How you meet🌼

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(Im so sorry if this is bad, English is not my first language ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)



-He wasn't the best in English class
-So the teacher asked you to help him study
-And bc Reader-chan is so smart, he managed to pass the upcoming exam
-He was very thankful to you and asked you to have lunch with him😅

-So you (y/n) were the first day at Karasuno high
-And Kags forgot his money at home, and he couldn't buy milk (poor guy😭)
-So you saw him and asked if he needs money
-He blushed and refused, but ofc you insisted and gave him a few dollars
-Then you went to class, and left him blushing there😂

Tsukkisaurus🧂🦖(oh god no i mean Tsukki)
-You we're at history class and the teacher was talking abt dinosaurs
-He was listening very carefully to the teacher because he like dinosaur's, y'know Tsukkisaurus (i gotta stop I'm not even funny)
-You were looking at him and giggling cause he was so into dinosaur's, which he probably wouldn't admit
-Then he glanced at you and told you to stop to stare ( even though he liked it😂)

-You went to a coffee shop at morning
-You guys ordered the same coffee flavor
-And there weren't any seats left
-So he asked if he can sit next to you
-And then you started talking :>

-You were casually walking around the city, while listening to music
-Suddenly someone bumped into you
-You dropped your earphones
-And then he picked 'em up for you
-Then you saw him
-Goddamn he looked like an angel

-You met him in school
-You were picked as partners for a school project
-He was a little nervous, though he seemed confident (⁠ ⁠'⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠'⁠)

-You were walking down the school halls
-And he was running away from Ennoshita
-He accidentally runned towards you
-And of course he bumped on your chest
-Let's just say that he was was a blessed lucky perv

-You were eating lunch
-He sat beside you, cause you were sitting alone, and he felt bad
-He looked at you for a while
-Then he sat next to you without asking, and started asking about your day
-You didn't even know who he is, but you thought that he's cute 🥺

-You were gazing at the sky, staring at the clouds
-He was just walking outside
-Then his eyes found you (why did that sound weird💀)
-He thought that you're very pretty
-Then he realized that he's staring at you, and he got shy



-You went to Nekoma High for the first day
-When he saw you, not even 1 minute passed and he was already introducing himself to you
-Then he introduced you to Kenma and everyone else on the team

-You were playing with your Nintendo
-You couldn't pass a level cause it was too hard
-You saw that he was playing too
-So you walked to him and asked for help
-He looked at you and blushed, still agreeing (GAHHH HES SO CUTE)
-You then thanked him and walked away
-He never forgot that

-He was at practise
-He saw you from a window
-He fucking blushed even though he didn't even know you
-Yaku had to kick him, so that he could concentrate

Aoba Johsai🏰

-When his practise ended, there was a bunch of fangirls waiting for him
-You wonder why those girls scream so loud
-But then you realized that it's propably for Oikawa
-And yes you knew his name (i mean who wouldn't)
-He was tired so he said bye to the girls, and suddenly he was infront of you
-"Hi there pretty/handsome~", he said and smirked
-"Hi? you greeted him back
-"They're pretty loud sometimes, aren't they?"he asked
-" Always", you said
-Then he laughed, and you started talking to him

-You wanted to know how to play volleyball
-And you knew that he can play well
-And you asked him for tips
-He gave you many
-And you were very happy
-He was happy too :>

-Your friends dared you to compliment him
-And cause reader-chan is confident, ofc you did it
-You walked up to him, and his friends were sitting with him
-You started telling him that you liked his style, that you think that his hair is cool (and you really meant it)
-He kinda blushed when you left
-His friends started teasing him and that made him blush even more


-He saw you playing volleyball
-Even though he is a very good player, he was amazed
-Then he runned towards you, and started complimenting you
-You were dizzy from all the words he was telling you
-Then he blushed and ran away
-You thought that he's cute 🥺

-You got paired in a mathematical project
-He wanted to tutor you cause he thought that you were cute
-You kinda thought that he's kind so you wanted to be his friend

Shiratorizawa 🦅

-You were at class
-Your teacher handed out tests
-Suddenly you realized that you had Ushijima's test
-You went to him and gave it to him
-He just thanked you, and looked away
-He was just nervous🥺

-He heard someone calling him weird
-And it really made him insecure
-So he was standing in a corner (kinda giving me Omi vibes)
-He was a stranger to you, but you still were kinda worried
-So you asked him if he's okay
-And he was kinda happy that you came to make him feel better and not to call him weird
-So he said that he's fine (NAH HE'S NOT)
-You were still worried😭


-You didn't even have time to see him, and he was already infront of you, asking your number💅🏻
-He was a complete stranger (your classmate lmao)
-You refused but still gave it to him

a/n: I'm literally crying cause my writings are the baddest *wiping tears dramatically* But seriously tell me if this was absolute shit
Goodbye babbbyyyss 💅🏻💅🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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