Great Times & Goodbyes Part One

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•••Ally is leaving to go on a world tour while Austin is staying back in Miami to run the music factory and record an album•••

Ally is in the practice room playing the piano when Austin walks in.

"Hey," Austin greets her.

Ally turns to face him. She puts a smile on her face but it's obvious that she doesn't mean it.

"Shouldn't you be finishing up packing for, well, the world?" Austin asked.

"Not much more I can pack." Ally responds, turning back to the piano to write something in her songbook. Austin sits beside her at the piano.

"What's wrong? You're going on a world tour. You shouldn't be sad."

Ally faintly smiles. "I know. I've always dreamed of traveling around the world doing what I love."

Austin gave her a confused look. "Then what's wrong?"

"Well, I want to do what I love with the people I love." She said sadly.

"Trish is gonna be with you."

"You know that's not what I mean."

Their eyes locked and Austin sighed. He leaned in a planted a gentle kiss on her forehead before speaking. "Look Ally, you know I want to be with you for this tour more than anything. But I can't."

Ally looked down at her feet. "I know. But when imagined touring the world, I imagined it with all three of you by my side."

"Hey, no matter how far away we are, we're always gonna be the Fearsome Foursome." Austin said, winking at her.

Ally laughed a little. "What did we say about calling us that?" Austin laughed.

"Sorry. I'm just trying to lighten the mood."

"And I appreciate it. But I just don't want to go on tour without you and Dez with us."

"Ally, we're never gonna be far away." He comforted her. "We got video chat, texting, email... We can talk whenever we want. I mean, we've been away from each other before. And that never changed anything."

"I know..." Ally stood up and walked towards the other side of the room. Austin followed behind her. "But that was for only three months." She said. "I'm gonna be away for almost a year."

Ally looked down as if she was trying hard not to cry. "I don't know if I wanna be apart for that long."

Austin placed his hand on her chin, lifting it so they were looking into each other's eyes. "Ally, this isn't about our it?"

She shook her head.

"Long distance relationships are hard."

She walks to the couch and sits down. "And I know we've handled being apart before but we were just friends at the time and it has never been this long and..."

"Ally," Austin cuts her off as he sits down next to her. "Nothing is going to change. Just as long you don't start flirting with any French guys." Austin gives her a little nudge with his elbow and winks at her.

Ally giggled at her boyfriend's attempt to make her feel better.

"That's the smile I love" Austin said as he put is arm around her.

"Ally! Bus leaves in 30 minutes!!!" Trish called from downstairs.

Austin looked at Ally. The smile she was wearing began to fade.

She leaned her head and rested it on Austin's shoulder. Austin leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead. "I wish I could just stay right here with you", she said almost in a whisper.

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