My travelouge : The amusing field trip

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I shot my eyes wide open when I heared my mom scream " WAKE UP! ". I jumped off my bed and sprinted my way towards the bathroom to get washed. After taking a bath, I got ready and had a delicious breakfast. While having breakfast, I checked the time and almost choked on my food. " It's 7.30!?! " I shouted and gobbled my food down like a predator mercilessly chomping it's food. As soon as I finished eating, I cleaned myself up and rushed to the bus stop. I hopped into the bus with a smile plastered on my face, I've never been on a school field trip and I'm so excited that I can feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins and stars in my eyes eagerly waiting to arrive at school. I reached to school and headed towards my group which I will be with for the whole trip. The teachers also arrived and we wished them a "Good Morning Ma'am/Sir". It's currently 9am and all the groups have been sent into the bus to be departed to our destination. We all screamed in delight as we saw the bus leave the school compound. Since the trip is a two hour journey to 'The Hidden Castle' in Siddipet, my classmates and I, along with the teachers decided to play Anthakshari on the way. It's 11am and in just few meters is our destination. We screamed with excitement as we entered the gates of the hidden castle. "Welcome to the hidden castle resort" a staff member said as we get out of the bus. We start off by getting a small tour of the castle. Our jaws dropped to the floor in awe as we explored further inside the castle, we entered a museum where there were all sorts of old artifacts displayed. I gasped in shock when I saw the Seychelles Ten Rupee note. I was flabbergasted and felt proud when I saw my second home country's bill pasted in the museum. We left the museum and headed outside for the fun activities! The teachers separated both the boys and girls. We were told that the girls will be doing the adventure sports while the boys play the water games for one hour. We ran to the adventure activity area and a staff member told us that we will be doing Tree top climbing as well as zip lining. I was super excited for both the activities. The staff member helped me to wear the gear and after I wore the gear, I climbed up the stairs and started walking on the wooden planks on top of the trees. I finished the whole path and the only thing that was left was the zip lining which was as the end of the line. My friends cheered for me as I zipped lined my way down. "WHEEEEEE" I shouted as I cascaded down the line. I reached the bottom, took off my gear and high-fived my friend. Once the clock hit 1.30pm, everyone left their activities and headed for lunch. After Lunch, it was the girls turn to do the water sports. We ran into the changing rooms and quickly changed into our swimsuits. After changing, I ran to the pool area and dived into the water. I felt the cool water brush against my skin as I sank down slowly but quickly swam back to the surface when I heard the life guards whistle. I mumbled a small ' sorry ' and kept swimming. One of my teachers and I decided to keep a swimming race and I won! There was a fast and high up water slide which I went on almost a hundred times! It was 4 o'clock and we are back in the bus wet and tired. I slept the whole ride back, so I didn't know what was happening back then. The sun has set and it's currently nightfall, we arrived to school at 6.30pm and were picked up by our parents. I went back home and slept for 12 hours straight. This was honestly my first and best field trip ever! I hope that we can keep going on trips like these once in a while.


My Travelogue : The amusing field trip : completed ✅ Where stories live. Discover now