A New World

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You sit down at a tree and take a nap. You soon wake up out of shock to realize you're in another world. Nothing like Earth. It was colorful. Magical. It felt more like a dream, but it also felt almost real. You walk around in amazement. Although there are no people there. This world felt like a lure. It felt too real to be true. You walk around and explore more. The trees are made out of candy. The leaves are made out of chocolate. The houses are colorful. You can't wrap your head around it. You decide to try to find a way out. You run and try to get out of this world. But you can't. It's like an invisible wall is stopping you. You soon see someone in the distance. A woman wearing a color that stood out from the bright colors. She's the only person in this world beside you. She was wearing a dark color. Her hair was black and up in a ponytail. What stood out the most is the umbrella she was holding. A pink and blue umbrella with a little girl dancing on it. You try to catch up to this woman but she disappears. You feel as if there's more to this world that you don't know of. So you decide to start taking off the chocolate leaves and tasting them. It tasted good. Like chocolate. You punch the wall of a house and eat the hard marshmallow coating. It tasted good. There was no way you were in a dream. To be able to taste stuff there must be more going on here. This world must be a time loop you can't get out of. That woman you saw must be the creator of this world. Once you figure all this out you start to panic. "There's no way that I'm stuck in another world". "All I did was just take a nap. Maybe I can wake myself up"? You eventually start to tear up. Seeing that you have no other way out you decide to give up. As you give up you see something. A woman standing in front of you. The same woman from before. Now that you get a good glance at her you suddenly realize that this woman looks like an older version of you. She says, "Irene wake up". You suddenly wake up. It was night time once you woke up. You check to see if you're in the real world. You are on Earth again. After that day you never slept by that tree again.

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