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Before this starts, this book will have homoboic  slurs, hateful speech, mentions of self harm. if you are sentive to any of that please leave the book now; Come back when I post a diffrent one!
I came out; and well let's just say they wornt pleased...

"What you're a fucking fag?" George hissed pushing me back, "dreamie ain't that disgusting?"

"Yeah that totally is you're right" Dream luaghed a bit.

I felt like my heart was breaking I'd hold my chest felling my inside fall..

Like my jigsaw puzzle peice didn't fit, I felt so many emotions at once, sadness, hurt, anger.

How could my own friends do this to me?

I look to karl and q, both wore shaking there head dissapointely.

"..I couldn't help it..." I dare uttered.

"Go to fucking rehab or something it'll help you relize this isn't alright" George snared.

I looked down, I made a terrible mistake comeing out; I hoped I could then confess my Undying love to dream, but atlast I think that isn't happing.

He's homoboic the most I'd get is a luaghter, and the slaped and called a idoit, I could fear my legs jitter nevorusly.

"We can't belive our bestfriend is a fag!" Karl said.

"I.. couldn't help likeing my own gender.. it just sorta happend" I said weakly.

"Sure you couldn't like I couldn't help failing chemstery" quackity pointed out.

"...that doesn't even-" I started inturpted by a harsh slap.

"Don't talk back to the betterin" George hissed, "fags like you shouldn't even be aloud to walk on this here earth"

"I..." I uttered, "come on its not that big of a deal..- I just perfer men rather then females!"

"Yeah and then you're get all sappy for us! We don't like men like that and-" George started, "you're fag self will make unnecessary  drama"

Dream bit his lip, "you shoulda  just kept you're mouth shut if you didn't want such reactions sapnap"

God it was attractive. Though I'd never get that chance. I turned around to run before I start to cry.

"Are you gonna go cry now cry baby" quackity luaghed.

I'm heartbroken, to say the least, "well obviously I'm not welcomed here because of rmy morals and outlooks. So I Mise as well just leave" I said beyond hurt.

"Just go back to the land of rejects" Dream said with a bit of luaghter, followed  by the others.

I went running, I didn't even go to the bathroom, I bolted home among the front door shutting I couldn't hold it back sobbing.

"It's ruined, my life!" I scream pulling my hair. "Why the fuck did I have to be gay from clay!"

I cried and cried on the hard wood floor so weakly by the entry point of the house.

Stupid I say. Hoe was I to think I could ever be loved by dream wastaken. The prettiest boy in school.

As if he'd be gay, in a school that that's froweded on, the school it self hates anything that's not stright.

Why... me
Oh sapnap...

Coffee•milk ~ Dreamnap [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن