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Hey.. Hi! Had written this sometime ago on my notes and went back to it whenever i felt low coz it actually makes me feel better... and today i thought why not put it out here for anybody who needs to hear it.. 

You might relate to it. You might badly need to hear this. Or you might even not relate to it at all. I have been on both sides. When i read it on the days i feel happy, it doesn't do anything to me but when i feel low... it really helps..... 


To every soul who should know they deserve just happiness and peace,

There'll be days when nothing goes the way you want. The days when everything goes wrong. The days when you feel miserable and feel so low of your self. 

Just remember it's all gonna be okay!

No matter how harsh life has been to you today, it will definitely be a better tomorrow! 

It might look like your world is falling apart and you don't find the strength to stand up and fix it right. You might spend hours crying and you can't eat, sleep or get any motivation to study or do your work.

There might be some days where you look back at all the crying you did, and laugh about it. 

But there can also be some days you might feel like you will never be able to look back and laugh at this moment of struggle in the future.

But that's okay as well.  I mean, it must be a really tough time that you are going through that made you think you'll not laugh about it yeah?  So one day you are gonna look back at today and be proud of making it through when you thought you'd quit..

This moment you are going through is just a part of your life. There are other beautiful things in life waiting for you!

Put everything aside, go listen to your favourite music, watch something that makes you feel happy, do something you love.. it's all gonna be okay!

Take one day at a time. Everything will fall back into its place slowly! No matter how slow you are, just keep going!

These tough times will definitely make you a better person. A stronger person than yesterday. And will teach you a lot of lessons for life.

Just remember,

You are beautiful!  You are precious!  And you deserve the best!

So chin up, dear friend!

You got to see a lot of happiness and peace! So brace yourself and remember IT'S ALL GONNA BE OKAY!


Your friend.❤

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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