Adventures of Horsing around 

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Tesse: I can't wait to see him again
Whiff: be careful
Gordon: why would he invite you?
Tesse: but we're just friends to him
Henry: you guys are garbage
Emily: enough, you too 
Gordon: you know this is true
Spencer: oh really you don't help me only Whiff
Gordon: James agree with me
James: Huh?
Henry: where are you paying attention?
James: oh um yes
Gordon: Good
So James is middle engine and he gets scared to bigger engines than himself so he bullies young engines and Gordon and Henry being friends but he doesn't have a real friends because smaller engines are scared of him but when Whiff comes and James feel happy he's not likes smaller engines but when Gordon and Henry make fun of him he join in but he feels bad when Emily start yells at them so he went to see Whiff and Whiff because friends with him in my Au
Whiff: back off from her
Gordon: Oh smelling engine care of his twin
James: that's enough let's go
Henry: you're not fun
James: I said, let's go
Tesse: did you see that?
Whiff: yes
*After bigger engines leaving*
Spencer: I gotta go see you guys later
Whiff: Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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