characters I'll include

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Club leaders and some club members. (If I only write for a club leader I won't add the members unless someone requests it)

Rivals (not including Hanako BC she's a kid or muja, mida BC they're pedos. Unless someone wants them then the reader will also be an adult)


Student council

And some "side characters" (basically the people who don't fit in with the rest of those previous descriptions or the ones not in any club like for example kuu dere. im not even sure if she's in the game anymore, it's been a while😭)

And if someone wants I'll add the bullies.

Here's a list of the characters!

Osana Najimi

Amai Odayaka

Kizana Sunobu

Oka Ruto

Asu Rito

Osoro Shidesu

Megami Saikou

Geiju Tsuka (art club leader)

Gema Taku (gaming club leader)

Itachi Zametora (substitute leader of the sports club)

Uekiya Engeika (gardening club leader)

Budo Masuta (martial arts club leader)

Miyuji Shan (light music club leader)

Furredo Jonzu (photography club leader)

Kaga Kusha (science club leader)

Tsuruzo Yamazaki (substitute leader of the drama club)

Yandere chan (ayano aishi)

Umeji Kizuguchi (delinquent)

Hokuto Furukizu (delinquent)

Gaku Hikitsuri (delinquent)

Hayanari Tsumeato (delinquent)

Dairoku Surikizu (delinquent)

Kuroko Kamenaga (student council)

Akane Toriyasu (student council)

Aoi Ryugoku (student council)

Shiromi Torayoshi (also student council)

Shoku Tsuburaya (substitute leader of the cooking club)

Hazu Kashibuchi

Shin Higaku (substitute leader of the occult club)

Let me know if you want anyone from some specific club or just a character you might want ! I'll be writing for a lot of characters so pls be patient and understanding if updates are slow and or the scenario I wrote for someone is bad. I'm trying my best.

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