1: Spyware

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Your name is Y/N, expert with technology. You lived right next to the "Nintendo Of America" building. You enjoyed overhearing the conversations through the window, with your special drone. You were able to stream their conversations live, meaning you could get information about upcoming games early. However, everything went awry one night.

"I'm gonna try something different for a change... I wonder what's behind the building-"

Immediately, by the sight of it, you were horrified. It was every single nintendo character, each trapped in a cage in their own individual computers. You could hear suffering. One of them noticed you. You turned the mic up. 

"Huh? Is that... a drone? Maybe I can get it's attention..."

The pink character jumped up and down, desperate for attention. "Hm. Seems like THAT one needs help indeed... I'll come back tomorrow night-"

You were interrupted by a door creaking. A really tough brute pushed some buttons on a computer, and after that, you heard even more suffering. Despite that, he ignored it.

"This is awful. I need to do something about this... and maybe that pink one is my first priority."

Immediately, you called the drone back and did some engineering. You had to install some data-absorbing devices, as well as some other things.

"As far as I know, once I get a hold of ONE of them, i'm probably gonna get a C&D the next day. That's why i've sent my pal, F/N, to go to court and order one before they can, so we can outplay them. I'm not gonna tolerate this shit any longer."

After 20 hours of work without rest (and a lot of coffee) you had completed three inventions.

First, a Materializer. It can convert any set of data into a live object, so long as the ORIGINAL files are snatched. It can't convert copies.

Second, a Data-Absorption device. It can scan a software, search it's files, and move them from the original software to the drone. It can also broadcast the data live.

Finally, a basic arm mechanism. You'll need it if you want to leave the Cease and Desist paper right on the computer.

Just then, F/N burst in. "Y/N!!! GREAT NEWS!!! THE COURT APPROVED IT!!! Here's the paper!


From Y/N L/N

(current date)

Dear Nintendo Of America, This letter is served upon due to: Digital captivity and torture of fully sentient characters. We understand that you own these characters, but they are not yours to toy around with.


This is your only warning, there will be no more letters.

Sincerely, Y/N L/N"

"Dude. I'm just LUCKY to have taken law school. With the evidence you gave me, the judge was convinced enough."

"Thank you so much, F/N. You are hereby dismissed from duty for tonight. I've gotta initiate phase two..."

You sent the drone up. You shot a tiny chip that attached to the computer with the pink one.

"Yes! Now I just gotta turn on the live video."

Immediately, after turning it on, you recognized the pink figure.

"Hello? is... is anyone there?"

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