Chapter 19

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Its running that makes Raelle feel alive now. The itching pain on her palm not letting her forget that her beloved wants the blonde by her side. Only when Raelle thought she had lost Scylla forever, she gets a sign that it never really was the end of their story.

Maybe its just a beginning. After seeing the baby, Raelle would lie if she told Scylla that she loves her more than anybody else. Now, its her, the baby girl that cant walk just yet. Those beautiful ocean blue eyes gave Raelle shivers, even more intense than those Scylla was giving her.

But, shes running. Through the hallways of the hospital dressed in a white button down shirt and suit pants thinking that shed have to say goodbye to her girlfriend. Could that work? Did Mycelium really heal the death? Did the Mother bring Scylla back? Theres only one way to find out whats the truth.

Bursting through the door where Scyllas body was locked up last time, Raelle enters the room and all she can see is an empty hospital bed. Hope raises inside her body as a smile appears on her lips, this may be the happiest day of her life.

Where is she? Scylla?! The blonde calls out asking the nurse if they moved the body or if Scylla left the room. The shocked woman just shook her head denying everything Raelle assumed. She has to be somewhere.

Soon Raelles walking through the hallways of the hospital checking every room on her way while calling the brunettes name. If shes somewhere near, she will hear her and let her know that shes alright. At least thats what Raelle hopes would happen, but nothing comes as a response.

The blondes searching and searching, but she cant find Scylla anywhere. Maybe its just another dream, one of many shes had last night. Definitely this one is the happiest one but still painful if Raelles about to find out that Scylla didnt really wake up.

Have you seen a brunette woman? Maybe with blue eyes? Dressed in hospital clothes? No? Okay, cool. Raelle even tried asking a homeless man that spend the days in from of the hospital waiting for people to give him a few dollars.

She sighs sitting down on a chair in the waiting room and puts her face in her hands. The truth is that Raelle didnt have much sleep last night, maybe it was just an illusion and the S never appeared on her palm. There are many possibilities since she cant find Scylla anywhere and shes thought she looked everywhere.


Raelles sitting with the baby observing with a smile how the little girl is playing with her feet. How is that possible that you can laugh already? The blonde questions wondering what is wrong with Scyllas baby. Theres no way she can get so grown having only 5 months. Incredible.

Scylla walks by the room full of incubators while kicking the ground bored to death. She sighs and a blonde woman catches her eyes so she stops for a second. The brunette looks down at the machine and the baby inside. She smiles softly at the child and looks up at the blonde.

While extending a hand towards the baby girl, Raelle notices that the babys looking at something else than her. She looks up and her mouths left agape form shock. Scyllas standing behind the glass wall looking at her playing with the brunettes baby? Raelles brain couldnt process that much at once so it bugs for a second.

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