Chapter 20

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"Are you ready in there, shitbird? Everyone's waiting only for you and it should be Scylla who's walking in as the last one. Hurry up!" Abigail's talking to the blonde through the door.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming out, Abs. Just don't laugh at my outfit. I think it's beautiful." Raelle opens the door widely and shows up her outfit made of black suit pants, a blue button down shirt and a purple jacket. "What do you think?"

Abigail checks out her best friend's outfit fully and quirks a brow. "Rae, it doesn't matter how you look. What matters is that we all made it this far and that your woman's waiting outside and you're asking me stupid question."

The taller woman laughs lightly giving Raelle a wink. "If she loves you as much as she claims she does, you could wear a trash bag and you'd look hot for her." Abigail corrects the blonde's hair a bit. "Now, move your ass out of here."

Raelle snaps in her spot and runs to the wedding setting. She gets past everyone who's waiting and stands right in the middle of the room. The blonde looks around quickly and her eyes land on her sisters who are supporting here in everything in her life.

It takes a few seconds for the music to start to play. Raelle's heart races as if it was taking a place in grand prix. Once standing in the middle and everything seems to be alright, the woman of her life steps through the door.

Looking at Scylla in her beautiful wedding dress makes the blonde's heart flutter as it had never done before. The warm feeling inside of her body starts to be too much and all Raelle can do is stand, blush and smile like a goofy she is.

Although, Raelle full attention focused only on Scylla, she still has Skye in the back of her mind. It pings that thought so hard that the blonde's eyes flicker to the baby girl in Byron's lap. It's been a few months since Skye was born and she looks so cute in her little dress.

If Raelle wasn't standing in front of so many people, she would have teared at the sight of two most important people to her in one place.

"Raelle..." Scylla says softly putting her hand on her bride's shoulder. "Scylla..." Raelle can only repeat what her partner did completely dozing off through the ceremony and waking up at her vow.

"Your vow." Scylla reminds Raelle with a soft smile knowing how stressed the blonde is about this moment. The brunette knows that Raelle has been preparing her vow for weeks if not since the proposal.

"It's okay, baby. You can say only yes I know you're prepared but I understand." Scylla steps closer to Raelle and takes her hands in hers. "I love you." The brunette whispers.

Raelle feels sudden wave of relief hit her once she's focused on her lover instead of everything else. "Um- right..." she takes a deep breath looks down at their tangled hands.

"Scylla Ramshorn, Salem's detective, mom and lover. I mean, you're gorgeous. That may be the very first reason why I want to be only with you here." Raelle continues earning a few small chuckles from the crowd watching them.

Scylla's still smiling at the woman in front of her feeling so proud of Raelle. "When we first met, I felt like everything started to make sense suddenly. Even the fact that we met because of work, we also met in private."

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