Chapter One

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In the land of Teyvat, the people in the world are unknown yet mysterious about a few things about the world they live in or that exist like the Hilichurls, Ruined Guard, Abyss Mage, and other dangerous species out there yet some of the people in Teyvat don't live that long like the gods or Adeptus that live longer. It is to say that some things are meant to stay mysterious or some want to know the history about the god or other stuff with all of this Magic or the power of the people that were blessed by the god that they are known as Vision that hold only one of the seven elements those elements are Pyro, Hydro, Anemo, Electro, Dendro, Cryo, and Geo. But you guys aren't here for the Lure of the world. No, you're here for the story of a new unknown species that had been discovered and want to know more about the world and go across the land of the unknown, meet some new people, and see what fate can hold for that person. It all started in a place where people are free and move like the wind that blows gently across the feel as the people of Mondstadt to this day still bless the god known as Barbatos who has made history and made the town known as the city of freedom but it is also a place where the story has begun.

There are small people that live inside the wall and only take things that people won't know that are missing in order to survive they are known as Borrowers but they hid from people cause of how big they are the size of the Borrower is almost the size of a mouse they try not to be seen by those big people cause of what they think there some kind of mouse or insect. Somewhere in the knight of Favonius, there were 2 people that were having a chat in the room having tea. One of them was wearing a red outrider Pryo user, Amber, with her Cyan Cryo friend Eula having a chat about things around Mondstadt.

Amber: And then after going after those gangs of treasure hoarders I return everything that they stole to their rightful owner.

Eula: No one can outdo your skill as an outrider Amber.

Amber: Aww thank Eula.

Amber was about to pure her next cup of tea but has run out of tea.

Amber: Ah oh out of tea. I'll go make more.

Amber got out of her seat and then started to head toward the cabinet to get the herb to brew but as soon she open the cabinet there was no sign of herb in there.

Amber: Uh that's weird.

Eula: What is?

Amber: I thought there was herb in the cabinet when I was making the tea.

Eula: Now that you mention it that is a bit weird I know we had some herbs left in the cabinet I check after you finish making the tea. But the only people I saw is just use two.

Amber: Well I guess will have to buy more then.

Eula: I'll come with. But if I find out who did this I will have vengeance.

Amber: Alright Eula let get going.

Both Amber and Eula started to head out to the market to get some more herb the room was all silent till something was quitly sneaky out of a hidden hole that was hidden by some boxes as a small person with brown hair and some old ragged as clothing as he sneak around looking out for any thing that look dangerous or anything that can cause harm to his small live. He got near a fruit bowl as he was going to get an apple as he try to move the apple but do to his small size while he was trying to move the apple he started to hear to door open he started to panic but ended up getting the apple out of the fruit bowl but it was to late the door started to open so he started to run back to the hidden hole to avoid being seen as soon as he was back to hidding the door was fully open as both Amber and Eula got back from the store some how fast.

Amber: Look like I win the race again Eula.

Eula: You only win cause you keep having a head start.

Amber: Ye- (see the apple roll of the counter top) -ah.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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