Chapter 1

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The day I met Rain was a cold and wet day. I was trying to find a quick way to get home. But let's start from the beginning. I woke up in the middle of the night to Amber another foster kid I share a room with. "Stop snoring." I throw a pillow at her.
"Hey! I was having a good dream." She said.
I pull the pillow over my head to try not to hear the snoring. Finally I fell asleep. I woke up in the morning to my foster mother shaking me.
"Get up sleepy head you have high school." She said in a rush
"I feel sick." I make a fake cough.
"Common get up." And she pulls my covers off.
I finally pull myself off my bed. I grab a granola bar and grab my bag. I finally run outside to catch my bus. I see the bus driving away and I chase it but the bus driver does not see me. I finally run back to the house and grab my skate board. I ride my skateboard to the school and bring it inside.
"Isn't it the Tom boy." A boy says and laughs.
I run to my class.
"Tom boys here." The whole class says.
Even though my names Summer they all call me Tb for Tom boy.
"Good morning Tb." the teacher says
I say good morning back and go to my desk. I set down the skateboard at the back of the class.
I raise my hand "can I go to the washroom?" My teacher lets me go and I walk to the washroom. I look at some of the kids as I walk down the hallway. I walk into the bathroom and cry I want to be called Summer not Tb. I may have to change my look instead of a t-shirt and jeans. I rub the tears off my face and head back to class. It's over. I head to the back to grab my skateboard. It's broken in half. There's a note.
"Good luck getting home with a snapped skateboard."
I rip up the notes and I cry more. I saved up my own money for that skateboard. I take the skateboard and throw it away. I see the buses driving away. I grab my bag but when I make it outside I don't see any of the buses there all gone. I have to walk now. I head threw the forest to get home. I hop over a fence and rip my jeans. Then I hear a bark and whimpers coming from a dog. I head to the sound and to my surprise someone tied up a dog to the tree. It looks like he or she has been there for a long time. I then hear thunder and it starts pouring rain. I get drenched. My clothing is all wet. I carrie the dog threw the forest and I finally reach home. I take him into the garage which no one ever goes into anymore. I give him food and lay down in the garage with him and fall asleep.

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