Introduction + Stuff

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I was...just someone normal.

Except...i never really felt love, anger, or sadness.

I only felt numbness.

And happiness.

But when i met her...

she taught me another emotion.


She was my everything.

She was my world.


I saw her with him.

I won't let him take her away from me.

I want to stop him.

I want to hurt him.

I want... KILL him.

Senpai will be mine.

She won't have a choice.


Hi yes hello uhh

I made another AU with yansim

one catch tho :

so you know how Y x P has been in my mind recently?

Too fuckin bad im making Penelope Senpai and Yekato Ayano

feel free to add some rivals idk i need more

anyways rules

the max characters is 4

nooo nsfw please no why would you do that

no more role lists bc they tiring to type

anyways forums


Name :
Fandom :
Gender + Pronouns :
Personality :
Looks :
Role :
Additional Info :


Name : Y̶a̶t̶o̶  Yekato Gatiruni
Fandom : Alphabet Lore
Gender + Pronouns : Transgender(mtf), She/Her
Personality : like ayano
Looks : A blonde haired girl with the school's uniform.(girl one is longsleeved white shirt with a dark blue checkered skirt, bowtie and black shoes w/ white socks)
Role : Yandere
Additional Info :

-hates being called Yato

Name : Penelope Peparuko
Fandom : Alphabet Lore
Gender + Pronouns : Female, She/Her
Personality : like taro except more interactive and sensitive
Looks : A tan pink haired girl with the schools uniform.(i already put the details in Yekato's form)
Role : Senpai
Additional Info :

-pretty asf, maybe that's why so many people love her

Senpai will be mine. - goofy yansim x fandoms rpWhere stories live. Discover now