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“Today we’ll be interviewing the newly rising idol, Akamori Saki!” The camera panned to the right, pointing at Saki. A smile appeared on his face. “I’m very happy to be featured on this channel! I’ve been watching it since I was a little kid!” “We’re happy you’ve been supporting this channel for that long, Akamori! So, our first question, is it true that you got 4,000 fans after just one song?” Saki thought for a moment. “I think I got that much from my second song, I had only 5 fans after I posted my first song!  I don’t know how or why people thought that I had 4,000 after one song..” The reporter looked shocked, though the reaction was completely fake. “Really! Well, 4,000 after only two songs is still very impressive! I don’t think I could get that much after even 200 songs! Haha, okay, next question. A lot of people want to know, do you have anyone watching over you? I mean, parental figures, that is. You’re only, what, 17?” “I…Yeah, I am 17 this year!  As in parental figures…I-...Yeah, I live with my father.” 

“Ah! You live with your dad huh? What about your mom? If that isn’t too personal of a question.” Saki stopped for just a second. “Um..My mom..My mother and my father live…quite far apart. I’m not sure where she is, but I hope she’s happy.” The reporter looked sad. Not sad, more like disappointed. “I see. Sorry for asking. Let’s lift the mood up a little! Your internet persona, it looks a whole lot like you but with white wings, was that on purpose?” “Yes! It was! I spent a while thinking about it, but eventually I settled for just drawing myself, but that was boring, so I added some accessories, and wings!” The reporter looked excited. “Ooh! I always wondered how you came up with that persona! But I never expected that it would just be created by you being bored! Haha! Alright, I think it’s time for a commercial break! We’ll see you all once it’s over!” 

With a click of a button, the reporter's smile faded. “Listen, Akamori. I think you should answer with more ambition. The answers you gave were really short, and we can’t do that here. Maybe you should go get something to drink as well, your voice sounded very gravelly when answering about your parents.” Saki’s smile had faded at that point. “Alright. I’ll go get water.” He walked over to the water dispenser backstage, and dramatically drank the water. “It’s not my fault that I don’t like answering about my parents!! Ughh..I hate interviews..All they are is the interviewer faking reactions, and the interviewee making up things about themselves.” He looked into the cup of water. “This wig is bothering me so much, and I think my makeup isn’t good right now..” “I think your makeup is fine!” A voice spoke over Sakis. “AAHH!” Saki jumped, almost spilling water on himself. “ITSUKI!! Don’t spill water on yourself!!” Saki took in the figure in front of him. 

It was Keisuke Kiyoshi, his manager. And his best friend at the moment. “Kiyo!! Oh my god, you scared me. Maybe give a warning before you just appear like that??” Kiyoshi stared at Itsuki. “I did. You were too busy talking to yourself about how terrible this interview is going! In my opinion, the interviewer is just a prick, the interview is going fine.” Itsuki smiled at this remark. “Yeah, you’re totally right. I think he should have noticed that I didn’t wanna talk about my parents..How much time do we have left until commercial break’s over?” Kiyoshi looked at his watch. “ 40 seconds..?” Itsuki handed the cup of water to Kiyo. “You can drink the rest, I’m gonna go back to the interviewer, wait for me back here?” Kiyo nodded. “Okay, bye!” 

Itsuki ran back to the set that consisted of two chairs and a fake room background. “You’re back, finally. We’re almost on air, and you're backstage chatting?! It doesn’t matter, sit back down.” Saki sat back down. The cameraman began counting down. “Five! Four! Three! Two!” He signaled the last number, one, and clicked the big “LIVE” button on the camera. “Welcome back everyone! We hope you enjoyed the ads, as they are the only thing keeping us on air!” The interviewer enthusiastically signaled everyone to pay attention again. “For this segment of the interview, we’ll be taking questions from you! Yes, you, the audience! The number to call should be on the screen just about now!” As soon as he said that, the phone in the middle of the two began ringing. 

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