Where He Goes

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I wonder where I can start... so much happened since last time I've touched this book... here goes nothing.

        There are rules for all jobs, whether you're a waiter, work in an office, or even if you just work at some shady Waffle House. Though no matter what job you get, you typically get one, maybe two, do overs if you screw something up or break a rule. Though when you work this night shift, it's a little bit different, of course you have the typical rule of "do your job and you'll be fine" but it goes a little further than just the basics. To start, there's no do-overs here, no restarts, no room for error. One fuck up can lead to a lot of problems for you, and I don't mean legal either, I mean life-or-death issues, issues that could seriously throw your life away. Of course, all jobs have this risk if it's the right sort of job, but this isn't your average job, you can exist one night then permanently be gone the next second of entering the place. You see, I work at [redacted] Mall, I can't actually say the name of it without the name cutting out. The only shift is the night shift, during the day though.... Well, I've never actually seen it during the day, during the day it just seems abandoned, lonely and empty.

        You see, I'm a security guard at [redacted], and it's not fun. You see, when I first applied, I had thought 'hey! This is a good job, and 5k a night? Damn!' Because I thought that it would be easy money. It isn't. It isn't easy money, in fact, most of that money I have so far has gone to therapy... is what I would say if I HAD gone to therapy lately. When I sent in my application, I didn't really expect to just... instantly get a letter in the mail telling me I got the job. The ad for the job had stated that the mall needed a "very fit, quick individual to guard the place" so I decided I'd try it out... after all, I'm Karasuno's libero, I do good on my feet, I'm quick, and I take pride in that, I'm fast and I'm small, that's my advantage. I back our team, and big time our ace, I make sure the ball stays up when all others fail. I never told them about this job, they wouldn't believe me if I told them anything, none of them would believe a word I said, or they'd get worried about my safety, and I wouldn't really blame them either, it's a dangerous job that a bunch of people died to. I'm the longest surviving guard of [redacted]. I'm writing this all down in case I kick the bucket or, y'know, lose my soul. I want people to know what happened, so after each night I write down what happened, I write what everything means and how I found is best to survive... for the next person, for my family when I possibly don't make it out. So let me lay out the foundation of this job, let me lay out the ground rules you'll need to survive:

          1) Get plenty of sleep, don't you dare fall asleep during your shift.

          2) When you arrive turn off EVERY. SINGLE. LIGHT. If you fail at this... well, I was warned it was ugly.... IT will come for you, it'll blind you for good, so say goodbye to your life if this happens.... And I'm sorry if it does.

          3) If you see another guard, do not trust it. You are the only one on this shift. But luckily there are some hints to help you survive these guys. Look at the color of their flashlights: if the light is green, you should be ok, and blue you should be ok, though it is a bit challenging. If you encounter one of these, hide in any place that has water (I highly recommend the bathroom). Though if it's red? Run. Forget the water. Forget hiding. If it's red get out of that mall no matter what, do NOT let them even come near you), if you survive, report it the very next day

          4) When you go into the bathroom, look at the mirror; if the mirror is black then hide in one of the stalls and wait until it goes back to normal, check it occasionally. If the mirror is normal, hide there for half an hour, not a second more or else the fucker in the mirror is gonna get you

The Night Shift of [redacted]Where stories live. Discover now