why me

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My name is Diana Jones and am a senior at west Bridge high .

1st day of school and with my little brain I got in a fight again but this time non of my parents were going to help me ,cause it was the principal 's child .

So as a way of thanking my brain I was took to a problem teen school ,more like a boarding school cause that's how my parents are rich or comfortable.

I wish the bitch didn't start with me cause ,she wanted my boyfriend which every skirt in that school wanted but never got.

"Mom can you please stop putting on make up ,we have to go to school or they will send me to jail please "

Coming hunny!

We reach the school and it looked like heaven, every corner was clean as if no one leaves here .

I was too focused on the school until 7guys caught my eye the one who was sitting at the topest was so hot that even lava is jealous, and all had great fashion taste from what I am seeing, until I bumped one who looked like he would give a girl the whole world but not this girl cause I don't like that type .

Ahhhh !watch where you the whole group look at me like dessert!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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