#1 story

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( this story is made for two reasons )

( reason one I want a way for tory and Miguel to reconnect as friends they never got to talk after they broke up and I thought this would be a fun way )

( second I have had a feeling something like this may happen we're these two would learn the dance thingy )

( and I guess three reasons both relationships need to understand how not to get jealous which will be explained

Tory and robby walking into miyagi-fang "you think the others will be okay with me coming here?" She said worried and fidgeting with her hands "tor I promise you everyone will like you they know Daniel wants you here and Amanda even Sam of all people said she's okay with you coming" tory nodded "I know but the others what if they-" robby cut her off "they won't I know they won't your the one who help us take down cobra Kai and everyone knows that" she sighed and he hugged her "relax your gonna do fine" she hugged him back and gave him a kiss "thanks keene" she said as he smiled "back to keene?" he said She laughed "earn back rob" she said grinning he laughed and gave her another kiss "let's go in now" she nodded and walked into the place it looked nice it wasn't like cobra Kai and good thing but it was beautiful and a fresh breath of fresh air it was all comforting in a way "hello! Welcome to miygi do...fang now" daniel larusso said happily and withe biggest smile tory has ever seen "oh um hi I'm tory well you already know that but-" tory said nervously robby caught that and grabbed torys hand squeezing and she squeezed his hand back looking at him for a quick second before looking back at one of her new sensies "no need to be nervous relax" he said and she nodded "everyone should be getting here soon you two just stretch and get ready for a long day of work" robby and tory walked towards the lake "just gonna warn you your first lesson your gonna have to clean cars" robby said thinking about when he had to do that lesson at first "luckily I've worked at a car wash multiple times" she said with a smile "one day your gonna have to tell me about all the jobs you've worked" robby snickered 
"Oh god no that would take days just to finish the list" she said as he laughed "then I'll wait all day to hear " laughed

Soon most of the other kids came in there were a few new faces but most of them were the same everyone greeted tory and no one was bitter towards her she did get a lot of bad looks but it was fine

Jonny and chozen finally arrived and the training began everyone went into different groups

      Chozen, sam, robby, Miguel, Eli 
 Daniel, tory, kenny, Devon, Anthony 
  Johnny, Chris, Nathaniel,burt, Demetri

Everyone was walking over to there sensei's but tory and robby wanted to say bye "I'll see you after practice tor?" He said "yep hopefully this all works" she said doubtful "it will it will give you balance trust me" he said holding her shoulder she nodded "bye I'll see you later hopefully" she said while giving him a quick peck then going to her group

"Alright so are first lesson will be wax on what off" he handed all of them a sponge and bucket of water luckily tory learned this move multiple time robby taught her it and when they practice fought he would always do it and she studied how he fought she was one of the few people who knew his every move when he fought 

When they started washing the car Daniel noticed her slightly doing it better then the rest of the group  "tory your doing it really well?" He said confused "oh well robby taught me wax on wax off so many time it's ingrained in my memory" tory said "oh that's right he did teach you cobra kids how to do it" he realized "no..no..well..yes but robby taught me a few defense moves before as we practiced" she said "oh? Well since you know this one how about you come do this one" he took her to a wall "am I supposed to watch the paint dry or something?" She said "erm no your gonna paint the wall here" she was handed a paint brush and a paint bucket "alright?" She started painting the wall "left to right don't forget" she nodded and painted she was there for a about and hour until Daniel came back "well done I think it's time for your next method" he kinda made her run around and do chores all day she was used to it because of work but she was confused "SENSIE!" He turned to her "yes Nicholes?" "I don't get why i'm doing chores? I'm not even doing the same ones as the rest of the group isn't it a bit unfair? And again why am I doing chores?! how the hell am I going to learn balance from cleaning the deck and painting the fence!" tory yelled "Tory relax if you ask Eli,Sam,Miguel,robby hell even Jonny they will tell you they did the same thing it takes time tory" Larusso said she sighed "okay sensie but again why am I not doing the same one as the rest of the group?!" She said a bit harsh "because you know a bit more so your on a level up one more then them she nodded "alright fine" "now get back to work" she went back to scrubbing the deck

cobra kai one-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora