Questions, Questions! This Is The Second Edition, After All!

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I'm not dead, woah!

But, your wonderful Trader is back with a new gift: information!

What about, you ask? Well, considering you've made it this far, I'd assume you'd know, but just in case you were unaware, I'm here to trade information ranging from tidbits to world mechanics about THE SECOND EDITION OF THE RUBANVERSE!

Currently we are nearing the end of the Chaos Arc, wherein Chaos, the Flame of Death and Suffering, attempts to finalize his plans of painting a new world in his image, under the impression he's helping everyone. Will the rest of the Primordials, his dear family, be up to stop him with the help of their new hosts?

Good question! I don't know yet, because it hasn't happened. I guess I'll be finding out along with you!

Now, this revamp isn't merely a rewrite of the story and its characters. We have revamped characters, yes, such as Lucas Jones, and Lance, but we've also added new characters! One of such is Roy Winquist, a new character I made. A man who's half working for Chaos, half not, murdering defect subordinates in order to pay rent.

I'm not even kidding :)

Now, a few fun facts to get you all up to speed!

FOR ONE, the characters have been aged up! Near the beginning, they were all around thirteen years old. Now, they range from 19 to 21 years old! The canon ages I have for characters are:

Sam Allen: just turned 20

Ruby Darkshine: looks a bit past twenty, maybe halfway.

Sapphire Storm: the same as Sam

Riot: also the same as Sam, but when her and Sam are separated, she'll most likely look closer to how old Ruby looks

Ryan Gunther: 20

Sebastian (S' new name, actually! His old name was Samuel but it's been changed to Sebastian!) Harbinger: 20, I believe halfway to 21

Roy Winquist: nearing 21

Lucas Jones: 20

SECONDLY, the Flames of Fate are merely called the Flames now, or Primordials. No longer are they the Flames of Fate. Also now, Chaos' plan to 'help' humanity is to completely purge it, as Oblivion's told him that is the only way everyone can be helped.

THIRDLY,  the Primordials, and I believe every other Flame in existence, can choose a being to become their ambassador. If L was inspired by my book I have yet to continue (apologies) Darkness Within Us, I'm not sure, I haven't asked, lol. But yes, each Flame can choose up to one ambassador at a time, and when they do, a mark of that Flame appears somewhere on that person's body, and as such the ambassador gains the abilities involving the Flame's concept, and potentially even gaining a weapon the Flame uses. Time's mark is a bright green calligraphical 'T', with twelve triangular tick marks around it, representing the ticks on a clock. S is her current host, and while Ruby was her host for a small while, she had the ability to summon Time's katanas. Fate's mark is a purple calligraphical 'F' (image below) and Ryan could summon what's known as Fate's Blade; "His (Ryan's) dagger extended, the details on it glowing purple and an elaborate hand guard forming, the handle and blade then extended more until it was a longsword with a purple blade."

Chaos, however, abused this power

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Chaos, however, abused this power. He somehow found a loophole in the system, and is able to make more than one person his ambassador at once, resulting in the Agents of Chaos... previously known as the Shadows. His mark still looks the same as it did in the last Edition: a Greek styled 'C' inked in black. The Agents however see the mark as a brand, as it gives them Chaos Power, yes, and the ability to manipulate Chaos Energy while also corrupting it, but it also allows Chaos to know their location, and anything else about them, at any point in time. But, that reminds me of my next point.

FOURTHLY, CHAOS ENERGY'S BEEN CHANGED UP. As in, the mechanics of it have changed. Chaos Energy is still the energy of the Universe, but all of the Primordials are able to control and manipulate it now, not just Chaos. His version of it is corrupted, while the kind the other Primordials control is pure Chaos Energy.

Now, I've said this book will contain information about the Second Edition of the Rubanverse RP. But you all may be wondering what kind of information. Well, here!

- Possible RP Updates, like how I used to do, writing out scenes of the RP as if they're from a book

- Answers to any questions you may have about the Second Edition/revamped characters. You can also ask questions about characters who haven't showed up yet, such as members of the Corrupted Pure, or the Cloaks, or even smaller characters like Hope. (I know she was the Multiversal Embodiment, but she was kinda a bitch, sooo my point still stands lmao.)

- QnA's with my characters I suppose

- Incorrect Quotes because yes

- Fun Facts?

- New Lore explanations if you so wish for them (I'll do specific ones if they're requested)

- Lil' story tidbits I might write out of boredom. Speaking of which, maybe you guys could give me prompts to write about! That'd be neat! :D


These characters... are no longer just straight. But I will list all of the characters and their sexualities (that I know of), just for your... convenience? I dunno, lol.

Sam Allen: Straight

Aaron Stone (who appears more here!): Straight

Ruby: Straight

Riot: Bisexual

Sapphire Storm: Pansexual and demisexual

S Harbinger: Bisexual. Also sadly he and Riot did not end up being gay besties, he kinda hates her right now.

Roy Winquist: Gay as fuck, polyamorous

Lucas Jones: Biromantic, Demisexual

Lance (omg my boi): AroAce

People with new/revamped lore that I can confidently explain/know of are mainly Lucas Jones, and Lance. Roy obviously has lore too but he's just new in general. But go ahead and ask about any of 'em, I'd be happy to try my best and explain. Speaking of which, the characters currently/have been on screen and in play that you can ask about ARE:

Ryan Gunther

Ruby Darkshine

Sam Allen

Sapphire Storm

Samuel Harbinger

Isabell (last name unknown as of now)

Lucas Jones



Chaos, Jason (Fate), Time, Space, George (Reality), and Cosmos! Basically any of the Primordials except Destiny because I keep forgetting I play her-

Roy Winquist

Oblivion (in technically, it's been on screen)

Don't forget, you can also talk about characters that will appear later if you so wish!

See you later, peeps! It's been wonderful trading with you! Sam out!

Rubanverse: The Second Edition (An Info/Shitpost Book)Where stories live. Discover now