||Chapter 1||

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There's an endless desert where about 6 people live. They haven't lived there long, but are already accustomed to their new environment. There were giant robots that had overrun the world and destroyed everything in their paths. They were originally designed for a bunch of meme-themed amusement parks, and were called Nextbots. They had a specific AI that let them interact with the tourists, but once they made over 2,000 of them, they all started to malfunction. The robots managed to make more of themselves and evade cities. Now, every once in awhile, This group moves places to go on supply runs and look for any survivors left.

      A person ran past the 2-day-old corpses, carrying a body. Their black hair was in a low ponytail, and they had a gray shirt and a blueish black scarf along with black shorts. They were wearing a stethoscope on their head. Their skin was brown, and their knees were all bruised up. They go inside an old, dirty house that seemed to be abandoned a long time ago. They gently place the body to the ground and begin to heal the person they were carying. The person gets up and thanks them, and begins to run,
“Wait,” Someone stops the person. “You do know that even after being healed, you have to rest at least 2 hours?” The person said, crossing their arms. They entered the room, revealing their long brown hair secured by two white hair clips. She was wearing a brown striped sweater with two silver cross necklaces. She was wearing a pair of shorts and long boots. On the back of his legs were two stilts, which made her a little bit faster,
“Lie back down, Vann is doing your shift for you. You owe them.” She said.

“But Star!! The food run! I need to get back-” they said, scrambling to get up.

“Kazu, no.” Kazu was a very tall person. He is usually fast, but the bots got to him today. His red beanie was torn from this one time when tbh creature bit the beanie off, and the group had to fight tbh creature for the beanie back. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with a cat poorly plastered on it, he had short brown hair and dark brown eyes, almost black. He was trying to leave, but Star wouldn’t let him.
“Vann is already covering your shift! Get some rest.” Star yelled.

“Fine, this is the third day anyways.” he said, sitting down. Suddenly the door bursts open followed by someone yelling.

“CLOSE THE DOOR! CLOSE THE DOOR!!” They all quickly close the door and lock it. They hear a few bangs along with a nextbot screaming.
"El gatoooo!" A huge sigh of relief is heard. In the doorway stands two people.

“I'm so tired. We got some food, but we had to leave because 'The rock' found us and was chasing after us,” One of them said, “And VANN decided it would be a good idea to use their bumper car WHILE BEING CHASED!! We lost The Rock but 'El gato' was already near...” The other one stated.

“Gray!! You were busy getting soda, and I got bored.” Vann argued.

“You nearly got yourself killed, Vann! I'm not going on shifts with you anymore!” Gray said, annoyed. They also wore an orange beanie, but it wasn't as torn as Kazu's. They had short dark brown hair and porcelain skin, they were wearing round glasses and gold headphones. They wore a baggy black striped sweater and ripped baggy jeans. Vann walked up to Shooki and held out their yellow arm. They had orange-yellow skin and long, black, flowy pigtails. They had orange tabby cat ears and a tail. They were shorter than everyone there, so their sweater was oversized due to their original clothes being destroyed.

“Don’t make the bandage too tight,” Vann said as Shooki started bandaging their arm.

“Fighting gets us nowhere, you guys.” Shooki spoke.

“Peace was never an option, Shooki.” Vann uttered in slight disappointment.  Gray sighed, annoyed, and stepped out of the room. Just then, Kazu got up.

"What's with all the noise..?" He said groggily. He looked over to see Vann was back. He quickly turns his head away. Vann stares in slight confusion as to why he was acting strange. Kazu makes a frustrated look and mutters something under his breath. Star stares at kazu with a serious face.

"Kazu, just spit it out. Don't make Vann wait like that." Star says. Kazu looks at Vann and looks back down.

"Thank you for calling Shooki and covering for me." He mutters. Vann chuckled and said.
"You're welcome." They said, they all laughed and talked for a while. It was already dark outside. Star, Shooki and Gray were already gone from the room, all who were left was Kazu and Vann. All what they had to do was to wait for someone.
     Just then, they heard a knock on the door. They opened it and in came Anakin, Star's brother. He walked in, revealing his white hair as he lowered his hoodie. He wore a black mask with a white X on it. He had a dark grey sweater and black shorts with white sneakers. They greeted him and quickly closed the door.

"Did you call for the bus?" Vann asked.

"Yeah, they'll be here tomorrow at six. We will have to get up and get ready really early." He said. He told them goodnight and headed to bed.

"I guess we should get some rest." Kazu said, yawning.

"Yeah, I wonder where we're headed next." Vann wondered aloud. They said goodnight to each other and went to bed to get ready for the long day ahead.

     The following day they all got up early and got ready to go to their next location. It took them a while to pack up due to the mattresses and food, but they eventually got packed and got inside the bus. They all greeted the bus driver, Ernesto. They drove for god knows how long, and in the middle of the drive Vann was starting to get bored and asked:

“Where are we even going?” Vann asked, Ernesto looked back at Vann, sighed, and turned back to the wheel.

“We’re supposed to be going to a mall that was recently stranded, and right now we’re in seraph city. So we’re pretty close now. I'll be making a stop in a few miles ahead.” He said. A few minutes passed by, just as he was pressing on the breaks to stop a look of horror appeared on his face. “The breaks aren't working..” He said. CRASH!

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