Ride Home

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[Art by gayckko on Instagram!]

"Shoot, Camila still has the car keys!" Vee exclaimed in frustration after checking her empty pockets. She didn't have a license, but had been taught how to drive by Camila. Not that it would be any help to her now that she didn't have access to the inside of the locked car. "Ugh," she groaned, "do I really have to walk all the way back home?"

The day had been long. It was exhausting, more mentally than physically in her case, but enough to tire her out. Her feet were dragging by the time she got out of the woods, and the sky was nearly pitch black and dotted with the occasional twinkling star. She smiled as she looked up. The Earth's sky was something she never got bored of. It was so beautiful. It took a great deal of self control to be able to pull her eyes away from the Incredible view above her. Although mesmerizing, she knew she had to get home, and fast.

Her eyes scanned the space around her, the space where the event had taken place just a few hours earlier, only now it was nearly empty besides a few employees who were still working on cleanup. She grinned when her eyes landed on a familiar face chatting with a couple other employees near what was previously the Haunted Hayride. She walked up and tapped her friend on the shoulder, grabbing their attention.

"Hm?" Masha said as they turned around, a smile spreading across their face as they realized who it was. "Oh, hey! You're still here? I thought there were only employees left!"

Vee couldn't help but giggle a little at their enthusiasm. Masha's excited to see me! She thought. "Yep, I'm still here. I actually have a question for you... y'know, if- if you don't mind, that is."

"Oh, alrighty. Just give me, like, one second, I gotta wrap this up." Masha explained. Vee gave them a thumbs up in return as they turned back to the other employees. They talked for a little while, but not too long that Vee grew impatient. She just waited next to Masha, albeit a little awkward. "Hey, my friend here had a question for me, so I'll catch up with you guys in a minute, okay?" Masha finally said. The other two mumbled out responses and waved them off. Masha turned back to Vee and rolled their eyes. "Ugh, sorry about them. Those boys just love to talk. So, what's up?"

"No worries!" Vee chimed. "So, basically... Well, it's kind of a lot to explain, so I'll spare you the details, but I was just wondering if you could... maybe... give me a ride home?" She felt her face heating up in embarrassment. From her end, she had been friends with Masha since the beginning of summer, when they met at Camp, but she was Luz back then. As far as Masha knew, they had just met earlier that week. Her worries melted away, however, when her question was met with the warmest of smiles.

"Of course I can! You're new in town, right? I think you mentioned that." Vee nodded as they began walking together. "Have you started school yet? I haven't seen you around... I wonder if we'll have classes together, that'd totally rock. How old are you, anyway? Like, what grade are you in?"

Vee gulped, her nervous feeling coming back as she took in all the questions. She had forgotten about school, and the fact that Masha and all the other kids and teenagers in town were currently attending. "Uh, I'm... I'm 15. And, actually, I'm homeschooled this year."

"Ohhh, gotcha! And hey, I'm a year older than you," Masha said with a laugh. Vee let out a timid laugh of her own, a bit surprised that her lie had actually worked. She couldn't believe how friendly they were, how people like them actually existed. How pretty their smile was, how infectious their laugh was, how much Vee wanted to hold their hand...

"You can go ahead to the passenger seat," Masha said as they slid into the driver's side. Oh, they were at the car already. Vee was so taken by their personality that she hadn't even noticed.

Something About Them | Vee x Masha [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now