Walking Together

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[Art by bananahkim on Instagram!]

Time felt slow on this particular day. It was only one thirty in the afternoon and Vee had already gotten everything done; she'd called the veterinarian office Camila works at and did her best to mimic her accent to call off work for a little while, she was sure to mention that she didn't know exactly how long it would be before 'she' was able to come back. She had also eaten, and done a little bit of cleaning, got the dishes washed and put away, and laundry folded and organized into drawers.

Now all that was left for her to do was wait. Wait for school to let out around three, and then wait another hour before going to the Gravesfield Historical Society, just to be sure Masha would be there.

Vee remembered them mentioning that they only worked part time, and of course she didn't know their schedule... but she knew how she could find out. She slipped on her shoes and made her way out the front door.

Walking to the Historical Society would take about an hour, so an early start was necessary. And if she happened to be too early, that would be fine too, because it would mean she could potentially get a peek at Masha's schedule before they arrived. Even if it meant asking for it from another employee, that somehow seemed less awkward then asking Masha themself.

As she walked, Vee had nothing to occupy herself with. The scenery was nice the first, second, third times she saw it, but she had been living here for months, and Gravesfield just wasn't all that interesting from the sidewalk. This meant her only option was to think.

Thinking was the last thing she wanted to do right now, because thinking meant worrying, and there was so, so much to worry about. She thought it'd be easy, staying distracted until her family made it back home from the Demon Realm.

Her family...

She instinctively covered her mouth with her hand, choking back a sob. She hadn't fully grasped how close everyone had become until now, when they had all gone so far away. Would she ever see their faces again? Hear the sound of their laughter, and the sound of hers amongst theirs? She inhaled as she wiped her tears with her sleeve to stop their flow, only it didn't work, because all that was on her mind was if they would ever be together again.

Her tears only stopped when a sign hanging from a beam between two metal poles came into view: Gravesfield Historical Society it read. The building was run-down, no doubt, but in a more rustic way, where it didn't look trashy, but it wasn't exactly first-rate, either. Just like the rest of Gravesfield.

Vee took a deep breath and wiped her face again, just to be completely sure that there were no tear stains left. She had just begun walking up the front steps, when she heard something that stopped her in her tracks.

"Hey, Vee!" A warm, familiar voice called her name. She turned around and grinned at the person coming her way.

"Masha!" She did a little jog towards them in delight. "But what about school? Isn't it a little early?" She winced at the nasally tone in her voice she had from crying, but Masha didn't seem to notice.

They shrugged. "Got let out early. Couldn't tell you what for. So, back here again? Damn, you're a real history buff. Same, girl, same."

Vee shook her head, tilting it downwards as she felt her face heating up. The real reason she was back was a bit more... embarrassing. "Well, actually... I-I'm here to see you," She mumbled, her eyes still on the ground. She glanced up when Masha started to laugh at her, and realized she probably looked -and sounded- rather pathetic

"That's sweet, but if you need another ride home, you're outta luck. My mom dropped me off, which means no car till seven. But hey, if you just wanna hang out, I've still got a half-hour or so before my shift starts, we could walk around for a bit if you want," they suggested.

Something About Them | Vee x Masha [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now