how we meet (copia x reader)

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It's raining outside you are in a bad mood.But then you got a Phone call ,,hey Y/N ", somewone screamed,,Do you have time we are going into a bar to celebrate Cirrus's birthday",you replaid,,Sure i loved to !" As you get ready you notice something .A message from unknow ,,hey darling  i know you go into a bar today i have a little suprise for you", you was stuned because in your wohle life no one sayd ever to you darling your Bell rings ,,hello Y/N we are here ", you take your jaket and walked out . There was a red Lamborghini and in the Lamborghini there was Cirrus,sunshine, rain,swiss,mist and sodo you got in the car on the way to the bar you talked with sodo and showed them the message . As you arived at the bar you noticed a man in a Black suit doing drinks for the guests.  You sat down and the  Man in the black suit walked torwards you.  He was hotter than you thougt.,, Hello mardmousele my Name is copia  a plesure to meet you", ,,hi my Name is Y/N ", ,,ow as i See youre little friends are with you ",  he said he turnt to the ghouls ,,can i kipnap youre little friend to the bathroom?" ,,OK sure", he draged you to the bathroom. As he pinned you on the wall you are noticed that it's geting hot his Hand slowly go down and betwen youre legs ,,you virgins are getting wet so easely hah", ,,no we Not ", you screamed but then he Puts his mouth on your mouth to keep you quiet 

how we meet (copia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now