-fool in love -

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"you say I'm in love, I say you're a fool, look away from me now, I'll look away too."

FINNEY was sitting in his room, looking about the posters on his wall, hoping some miracle would happen where he wasn't bored anymore.

He sat up and stretched his arms and decided to take a trip down to the arcade downtown.

He slipped on his shoes and bent down to tie them. He grabbed some coins from his shelf in his room and began on his way to the arcade.

Man, why did Vance Hopper and Y/N Hopper have to hog pinball and space invaders?

Finney thought he'd go insane if he thought about all the ruckus they were causing in the arcade.

He imagined Y/N shoving someone into a wall and Vance knocking someone out on the ground.

They'll just get kicked out, Finn. You have nothing to worry about!

Finney kept reassuring himself as he approached the arcade. He hasn't been hurt by either of the Hoppers, but he didn't wanna risk it.

He thought Vance was the guy that you'd take one glance at, and immediately get shivers down your spine. He was right. Even Robin Arellano was the slightest bit scared of Vance.

Now, Y/N on the other hand, was tough. She was tougher than any girl Finn had ever met. She could play off as a fighter, or the girl next door. Her and Finn had only spoken to each other twice when she asked him for a pencil.

Finn thought she was pretty, but he couldn't tell anyone. Not even Robin Arellano! He didn't want Vance to demolish him for liking his sister.

Finney stepped into the arcade and took a deep breath. He glanced around and saw a familiar head of bushy blonde hair at the pinball machine.

He looked the other way when he heard a loud slamming noise and a groan. It was Y/N slamming her hands on space invader and inserting another coin after doing so.

He was walking behind her when she jumped back and bumped into him, sending him towards another machine.

He fell and hit his head, mentally crying at the pain of the metal machine.

"Hey, are you okay? I didn't mean to jump back like that" Y/N was standing above him. Her game had ended and she didn't even care.

She straightened up and held out her hand waiting for Finn to take it. He desperately grabbed it and pulled himself up.

The loud music played from around the two stood in front of each other.

One of Y/N's personal favorites was playing. "Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac.

Y/N noticed Finns features as they were standing there starting at each other. The way his eyes always shined. The way his hair curled in an upward position at the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I'm good" Finn said anxiously. He started to walk away before a hand grabbed his wrist.

Y/N pulled him back and put him in front of her again. She pulled out a couple dollars from her pockets and put them in his hands.

"As an apology" she said nodding her head. Finn knew he saw her lips forming up into a grin. But the thing is, Y/N doesn't smile, just like her brother.

"Thank you" Finn said, smiling as he put the money in his pocket and started towards his favorite game, Frogger.

Once Finn had walked off Vance had approached Y/N. She jumped when he came up beside of her.

"Seriously? What was that about?" He asked her, leaning on the Donkey Kong game beside of Space Invaders.

"What are you talking about? I apologized to him because I bumped into him on accident" Y/N said, shaking her head and smashing buttons on Space Invader.

"Do you wanna ruin your reputation by helping out a wimp like him? If any of our friends see you with him, they'll go crazy on us, Y/N" Vance said with a stern look on his face.

"You mean your reputation?" Y/N mumbled, luckily Vance didnt hear her and just picked up her bag and took out her roller skates.

"Put them on, we are leaving" Vance said, handing them to her. Y/N mentally cursed out Vance and walked towards the bathroom.

On her way there she passed by the Frogger game and saw Finn playing it. She stopped and stood beside him.

"Your really good, I've never seen anyone play as good as that" Y/N said to him.

"Thanks, I think your the best at space invader" Finn said, not thinking.

"Really? Your too kind. I'm Y/N" The girl said. "I'm Finney, but you can call me Finn" The boy says, turning to the girl and giving her a half smile.

Finn lost and stepped back, reaching into his pockets. He pulled out nothing and sighed, realizing he had no more coins.

Y/N reached into her bag and pulled out a black silicone coin purse, it had two ears on top of the clasp and a cute face printed onto the front.

She handed him the purse. He looked up at her, confused, before slowly taking it.

He unclipped the clasp and saw a bunch of quarters, perfect for the Frogger game. He looked up at her and smiled.

"For me? Really?" Finn asked her in shock. "Yeah, i won't need them anyway" Y/N shrugged.

Finn looked down and smiled at the ground. "Let me know if I can ever repay you" He said. "Sure, but keep the purse, having loose change in your pockets isn't safe in this area" Y/N said, with a tiny grin tugging at her lips.

"Yeah, I'll do that" He laughed a little bit.

"Finn, my brother will KILL you if he comes back here. Im supposed to be leaving, so goodbye Finn! Stay safe, please? Don't let my brother get to you" She waved as she walked towards the women's bathroom.

She slipped on her skates and stuck her shoes in her bag. She gracefully skated out the bathroom and skated over a kids foot, leaving him crying.

"Sorry not sorry" she said with a straight face. Before she skated away. She turned around and winked at Finn. Leaving him a flushed mess.

"You hurt my kid! You'll pay for this little girl!" The boys mom shouted. "You don't know me though..?" Y/N had a disgusted face.

"I'll sue you!" Y/N was laughing at this point. "What if I said it was an accident?" The boy started crying louder.

A worker stopped sweeping and yelled "HOPPER, GET OUT OF HERE!" And Y/N peacefully skated away, humming to whatever song was playing.

"and waste a chance that I'd been given. So I'm never gonna dance again, the way I danced with you!" Y/N silently sung to herself as she backwards skated out of the arcade in style.

She smiled a genuine smile towards Finn and turned her back to him and exited as "Careless Whisper" played.

Finn smiled to himself not even realizing he was falling head over heels even more than he already had.


WC: 1207

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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