CH 2

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Hello guys sorry if theres any mistake and please tell me if there any mistake. Thank you please enjoy!
3th person Pov

It's been a few weeks since Pierce saw that person and had that dream. He never told anyone about his dream but he think they could tell that he has something on his mind.
"Guys I'm going to go out for a bit, I'll see you later ok! " Ava said.
"What I want to go to! " Noi yelled out.
"Me to! " said said the others.
"Uhhhh *sigh* ok we will all go but go get change. " Ava said while having her hand on there forehead. They all went to the wall(there castle in there). After a few minutes they came back out.
"Ok let's go but no going anywhere or no causing trouble understood. " Ava said.
"Yea, yea, let's go now! " Leif said excited. They all went to the mall and explore for a bit. Pierce then saw the same person from weeks ago. He stop and kinda looked at him.
"Uhhh Pierce why are you looking at the person? " Leif said.
"Huh." Pierce said and looked at Leif.
"Oh it's nothing don't worry about it. " Pierce said and walk to Ava.

Ein Pov

Ahhh! Why is this person staring at me!? Did I do something or what. I turn my head a little and it was the some guy from a week ago. I was a store and he was just staring at me. He looked so similar to him. ( ̄ヘ ̄) whatever I need to go check out my stuff and go home. What I don't have one sh*t I really need a job but I can't risk people knowing my secret *sigh* what am I going to do. I decided to go and and check out my stuff. As I walk of I someone grab my stuff and I chased after them and grab them and punch them to the ground. I take my stuff back and just realize people was looked at me I ran as fast as I can and went to an alleyway. I felt like someone was behind me. I turn around and it was that guy that kept looking at me in the store.
"Ein? Is... is that really you? " He said. He had tear in his eye. I did not know who he was.
"I'm sorry but who... are you? " I said.
"Don't you remember me? Pierce. " He said. I was shocked is that really Pierce.
"Is that really you. " I said in shock. He ran to me and hug me tight.
"I really you. " Pierce said. I hear him crying. I was really happy to see him again. I hugged him back and it felt nice. We soon let go because we hear someone coming, it was a girl and 4 boys.
"Pierce why did you run and what's going on!? " The girl said.
"Oh sorry for running away I just... This is Ein, " Pierce said.
"He was my childhood friend that went missing years ago. " Pierce kept on going.
"Your Ein that guy that Pierce kept talking about back in the under world! " The orange(Noi) said.
"Uhh yea. " I said.
"Will it nice to meet you so are you a Daemo to? " The girl said.
"No, he's not he's a human. " said Pierce.
"Wait there was a human in the under world!? " the red(Asch) said.
"Uh yea. " I said.
"Ok guys we should go talk about this at home. " The girl said.

~At Ava Apartment~

How this is a pretty good.
"So mind explaining Pierce and Ein. " Said the girl.
"Uh well as Noi said he's my childhood friend. " said Pierce.
I can hear Pierce explaining stuff but I didn't care I was just looking around the apartment.
Suddenly someone grab the back of my jacket and pull me them my hood came off and my wolf ear pop up then they drop me on the floor. I turn back to see it was the green one that grab me. Everyone was staring at me. I quickly put my hood back one and sprint to a door and quick close it. It was a bedroom. Then there was a bang on the door and I got scared because it was loud and my ear hurts from the sound. I was holding the door but soon the door bust open and sent me flying to the wall, hiting my back and blood came out of my mouth. Wtf, I feel like my f*ckin back just broke! God why is deamos strong. I mean I am just a wolf but still.
"What are you. " said the red(Asch)
"Isn't it obvious? I'm a werewolf. " I said. God is he dumb?
"Really? " the girl said and walk to me.
"Be careful princess Ava! " Leif said.
"It ok I'll be careful. " she said and got on her knee. What is she going to- she put her hand on me my head and pet me.
"... What are you doing!? " I said and move my head.
"Aw man your ear were so soft and fluffy! " She said.
Pierce then walk to me and pet me.
"Princess Ava right it is soft and fluffy. " Pierce said.
"I know right! " she said.
"Hey! Stop petting me! " I yelled. I am literally just cough out blood from them now they think they can just pet me!?
"Hey sorry for what asch did. " This "Princess Ava" person said.
"Hey Noi can you get the medkit please? " "princess Ava" said.
"Yep. " the "Noi" person said then ran out the room and came back.
"Here you go Princess Ava! " he said and give the medkit.
"Ok can you take off your hoodie and shirt. " "Ava" said.
I take of my hoodie. Everyone shock for some reason?
Hello sorry for not updating I am busy. Sorry if there any mistake and please tell me there is. Thank you!

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