Calls and Cupcakes

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[Art by bananahkim on Instagram!]

By the time Vee made it back home to Camila's house, it was already well past four o'clock. Time flew fast when you had to walk everywhere, the walk to and from the Historical Society had taken her over two hours. At least her mind was occupied on the walk home, full of positive Masha-thoughts.

The number in her pocket gave her a sort of sense of security, knowing there was someone she could reach out to whenever she needed it, Masha had made that clear back when Vee was Luz. Vee figured the offer still stood for her as herself, too, even if Masha wasn't aware of the truth just yet.

The truth.

That's right.

One day, Vee would have to tell them the truth. They had an open mind, sure, but towards being lied to? She didn't know how they would react. That scared her. But the time wasn't there yet. There was nothing to worry about. Yet.

Vee lifted her half-charged phone off the coffee table and lazily plopped herself down on the couch. She unlocked her phonescreen. Caught off guard, her eyes widened at the sight of the picture she had set as her background. It was a group photo: she was in the center, both arms outstretched in front of her to support the phone. Her eyes were gazing downwards at Gus, who was crouched between her arms and smirking at the camera with a wink and a finger-gun. Willow was on the left side, one hand gently resting on Vee's shoulder, while the other wrapped around Hunter's arms, pulling him into frame. His eyes were fixed on Willow, rather than the phone screen like most everyone else's. A light pink dusted his cheeks and ears. Finally, Luz and Amity were on Vee's right side. Luz's arms hugged her shoulders, with Amity hugging Luz's neck from behind and resting her head on her shoulder. Everyone was smiling. They all looked so happy.

Vee stopped studying the photo. Her heart couldn't take it. Those people, those smiling faces, they were gone. Maybe not for good, but they were gone right now and that by itself was enough. She felt tempted to change it, but knew that avoiding them wouldn't make her miss them any less.

She opened her phone app and fished the paper scrap from her pocket and copied the number down on her phone, adding Masha's contact. She remembered them telling her to call, but her nerves got the best of her, so she shot them a little text instead.

It's Vee :)
The text read.

She was about to put her phone back down when it buzzed. She gasped and excitedly turned it back on, smiling as she read the new string of texts sent her way. She didn't think they would be able to respond so quickly.

omg hey
your finally home, ive literally been waiting forever
wanna call?

Aren't you working, though?

yea but no one cares abt history except you and like the ppl you were with the other day.
the person that came after you asked for directions and left like bro💀
anyways u wanna call or not

Of course!!

Against her typical nature, Vee squealed. She was going to speak with Masha on the phone! It would be like a scene in one of those cheesy chick-flicks she and the others would like to watch and make fun of, where the girl would lay on her bed, kicking her feet as she and her crush spoke mindlessly about things that don't matter. It was stupid, but Vee wanted it. Only she was sitting on the couch, rather than laying on her bed, but the effect would be the same.

She answered her ringing phone, bouncing up and down in her seat slightly, fueled by anticipation. "Hi!" She exclaimed, a little too loudly. She heard a snicker from the other end.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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