I Don't Think We're In Dalaran, Anymore

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Harry Potter universe or the Warcraft universe. The story is my creation but everything else belongs to its rightful proprietors.

Note: Jaina has a notable neutral American accent in The Warcraft canon. For purposes of this story, Jaina speaks in a sweet soprano tone, with a posh Received Pronunciation dialect (that's standard British English for the hoi polloi). Mainly to please JKR, haha

The Wonderful Wizard of Awesome - A Harry Potter/Warcraft crossover fan-fic

Chapter 1: I Don't Think We're In Dalaran, Anymore

A small hand knocked on the counter at Ollivanders wand shop. A young girl with long golden locks and bright blue eyes maybe slightly too large for her delicate face peered over the counter. "Excuse me, sir," she asked in a timid voice. An elderly gentleman turned around to greet the young customer. "Hello there young lady. Can I help you? Are you a first year student?"

"Um, I don't think so. I'm just trying to find Archmage Antonidas. He's my magic teacher. I last saw him yesterday at dinner, but when I woke up this morning I found myself in this strange place. I don't recognize anyone or anything here, and I can't explain what happened!"

Mr. Ollivander smiled at the girl. "I can't say I know who this Archmage Antonidas is, but he sounds like a very powerful wizard." The girl smiled back. "He's the best. He doesn't just teach anyone magic, he personally selects his students and of all the children in Azeroth, he chose me!"

"Azeroth, huh? I can't say I'm familiar with that place." The girl waved her hands and conjured an orb that looked something like a globe. "This is my world, Azeroth." She pointed to a brown blob on the globe. "This is Dalaran, where I live. It's home to lots of wizards."

Mr. Ollivander chuckled. "That's a pretty impressive display of magic there, young lady. If all wizards were like you, I'd be out of business!"

"My name's Jaina. Jaina Proudmore," the girl said. "I'm Mr. Ollivander, pleased to meet you, Jaina. I wish I could help you, but I don't think I'm the one that can help you get home." "Oh," said Jaina in disappointment. "I'm sorry to bother you then." "You're not a bother, young lady. Hmm... why don't you head over to Madam Malkin's down the street and see if someone there can help you? We're all wizards here too, and we'll make sure you're taken care of before you find your way back home." Jaina smiled weakly. "Thank you, sir." Mr. Ollivander smiled back. "My pleasure, Miss Jaina. Please see me if you need me - wands or otherwise."

Jaina left the wand shop and wandered down the alley trying to find this Madam Malkin's shop the wand shop owner suggested she try. She felt like a fish out of water. She was in a purple nightgown so she knew she was going to stand out, most of these wizards dressed in strange, drab clothing. She spent twenty minutes trying to find the shop on her own when she couldn't take it anymore. She plopped down on the sidewalk, sobbing. A few minutes later, another girl with a list in her hand approached her. She appeared to be about Jaina's age, with bushy brown hair and liquid brown eyes. She was dressed strangely too, with blue jeans and a simple pink shirt, but it was different than the wizards' attire for sure. She was accompanied by her parents, who also seemed to be dressed differently than the other adults in the area.

Jaina's sobs caught the attention of the other girl. "Hello, can I help you?" The brown haired girl smiled at Jaina. "H-hello. The wand shop owner told me to find Madam Malkin's but I have no idea where that's at." The brown-haired girl laughed. "You're sitting in front of the window!" Jaina felt silly. "That outfit... I didn't think witches wore those. Purple nightgowns aren't on the school supply list." Jaina giggled. "I don't have one of those. I'm not sure if I can be called a 'witch', but if that's what you call female mages around here, then I guess you can call me a witch. I'm an archmage's apprentice, you know." The brown-haired girl opened her mouth, but no words came out. With her hands on her hips, she exclaimed, "Mages? Girlfriend, what planet are you from?" Jaina waved her hand again, reproducing the globe that she conjured up at the wand shop. "Azeroth," she said. "I'm from a city called Dalaran. It's kind of like... did you say, "Diagon Alley?" But it's a city by a lake and it's got a lot more purple." The brown-haired girl's mouth remained agape. "So... you're lost then?" Jaina nodded. "I went to bed in Dalaran and woke up in Diagon Alley. I don't know what happened, but I'm hoping someone here knows Archmage Antonidas. He's probably worried sick."

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