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today was a special day for me. I thought about it carefully and was able to set up a surprise proposal to prom. It was only a good couple of months away, especially going on spring break everyone was already reserving and renting prom dresses. I on the other hand haven't. Not that I'm not going, it's just because I don't have a date, yet.

"you should totally ask him! That would be so wholesome, y/n" I could tell Henderson was excited about this prom proposal. he simply described it as "magical" with some wiggly fingers and a goofy grin.

"I don't know... what if he says no and totally shuts me out of the club?"

It was pretty clear on who Im going to ask; The dungeon master himself of course. I known Munson
for quite some time. We're not as close but close enough to feel comfortable to role play in d&d.

"don't think that way, y/n. He's definitely going to say yes!" Dustin says attempting to reassure me; Another reason why I adore the freshmen. they were definitely a life saver and a special collection in mine and the other veterans' of the hellfire club's heart.

"maybe you're right. I'm overthinking about it too much," it was quite pressuring yet nerve wracking to do this; i have sympathy to the boys... another point to them.


"Absolutely not."

I fucking knew it.

That awkward silence filled the back of the theatre room as Eddie shut my proposal down. I tried my best to deny the lump in my throat, sucking in my bottom lip to suppress any unnecessary noises.

"I don't do prom and will never do prom." Eddie was slouched in his throne, picking at the hang nails he had. Not even acknowledging the details of the poster and creativity, He just laughed at it like some
Joke as his friends joined in.

Dustin, Mike and Lucas just looked at me, they can tell I was holding some sort of sadness. They didn't say anything help other than stare sheepishly.

"Let's just get to the story, yeah? We have a big campaign coming up and you already missed two sessions." Munson's eyes darted at me and hit the bullseye. "One more and you're out, got it?" I nodded, putting down the poster with a sigh.


The whole campaign was torture. I didn't felt like being in character for the most part which pissed Munson off even more than the proposal did. Maybe this was my last campaign after all. I did embarrass myself in front of the club and even in front Eddie .

I swear to never show my face again.

After the session was done, I was first to pack my belongings and tried to run out the door before being stopped by Gareth, one of Eddie's friends who clearly had a stick up his ass knowing what he was gonna say.

"You forgetting something, y/n?" He laughed, holding up my poster board. The other laughed seeing it was upside down until Jeff pitched in to gareth's fuel. "Yeah, what did you expect from this?"

Great. I'm being made fun of by the people who are the freaks themselves. What the fuck does that make me?

I couldn't believe what they were doing and  Eddie just let it happen. He didn't pitch in but just simply ignored them all, writing down notes for the next campaign.

I felt humiliated, I wanted to run. But that would make me more of a pussy, I just scoffed at them. "You can keep it, it's not like you're gonna be asked anyways..." a devilish smile came across my lips when I knew that one stung Gareth. It was true though.

after I left and made my way home I felt nothing but pure coldness. Not because of the weather change but how tonight ended. I felt too embarrassed to show my face again especially to Eddie. I already knew tomorrow I was my going to be allowed to sit with them. I knew Eddie is going to kick me out.

If only I just sucked it up and went alone everything would've been fine. But I just had to ruin everything. There goes my day, all alone as it began to crumble.

I wish the next day I didn't exist to them...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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