"there is a secret door that--"

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"there is a secret door that attaches my place to yours and I use it to drink your water"

Well, it's not really a secret door, it is more of an attachment door— something that the owner told the both of them when they were still inquiring for the place. The shortcut door was the reason why the place haven't been rented yet and because the owner knew the both of them personally and are close to them, the duplex apartment was immediately rented to them without further adieu. ("They were favoured by Yu Hyuk Jae, I tell you!")

It's not as if the door attaching the two units is a hindrance for them anyway...

"Are you really that lazy?" Jong Hyeon drily asked, startling the person who looked like he was still half-awake. "Are you even awake already?" He added, chuckling at the grumbled response. "Kyu Woon-ah, why are you still wearing yesterday's clothes? It's already quarter to 12. It's almost noon."

Kyu Woon did not reply immediately, he finished drinking his glass—that he almost drop when he got startled earlier— of water first before replying in a rasp voice, "There were cases yesterday. The technical team were busy responding and assisting FTD and SCD— we went home at 6AM I think"

Jong Hyeon frowned hearing that. "You slept in the living room again. Did you hitch a ride with Donghui then?"

"Yeah... and Donghui... can you call him for me, Jong Hyeon? Call him until he answers then you can hung up. He told me to call him to wake him up but I am not in the right mind yet to think where I put my bag... I can't remember if I brought it with me or left it in his car or I don't know, it's not in the living room."

Jong Hyeon already has his phone on his hand before Kyu Woon can finish telling him his reason. His frown didn't disappear because Kyu Woon is basically trying to sleep on his counter now. "Wake up and sit properly. I'll make you coffee." He gently instructed. When Kyu Woon did not seem to hear him, he put his phone on the table and turned the speaker on, allowing the ringing of the unconnected call to echo in the kitchen as he gently manhandled Kyu Woon—to help him sit on the chair and not to sleep while standing and leaning on the island counter.

"What time are you going to go back to the station?" Jong Hyeon asked, leaning down when Kyu Woon only let out a soft murmur. "Alright, after lunch. Then go and take a shower here. When Donghui answers, I'll tell him he can eat lunch with us, oh and coffee too. When you're like this, Donghui needs a double shot."

Kyu Woon opened his eyes blearily, happily sighing "What would I do if it was Donghui who was on the other side of this door, Jong Hyeon-ah?"

Jong Hyeon chuckled, answering him and pulling him to stand at the same time, "Probably how you both did it before... Hmm, the both of you still be sleeping right now and you will be the one who will wake up first, you will urge the half-asleep Donghui to drive and the both of you will be startled awake after almost driving the car to a cliff."

"Oh!" Kyu Woon exclaimed, now already awake. "Hey, how did you— I mean—"

Jong Hyeon narrowed his eyes at the strange response of Kyu Woon. They are already in front of his bathroom, and he has one of his hands on Kyu Woon's arm while the other is on the doorknob of his bathroom. With his intense eyes and now frowning face, he asked, horror coloring his question. "You are not going to tell me that's what really happened before, are you!?"

"Ahahaha!" Kyu Woon laughed—forced himself to laugh— as he replied while slapping Jong Hyeon's chest "Of course not! There was no cliff." Jong Hyeon is looking at Kyu Woon with wide and frantic eyes so he gently added, "We are still fine! And that was when we were new at the station and are still roommates. After many times of almost being in an accident, we mutually decided not to be stingy. So now we both have our own places to call. Hehe"

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