Chapter 1

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Due to the nature of the AU there's going to be violence, blood, drugs and that stuff. If you're not comfortable with that, please don't read. That's more important than some story

Some people enjoyed running. Some people did it for fun. To stay fit, to be fair, but some found genuine joy in the feeling of freedom that came with it.

Jisung was not one of those people. Even now, with bullets raining down on him, he contemplated stopping for a second just to relieve himself of the burning in his lungs and the pain in his legs. Perhaps it wouldn't be the smartest move, but it definitely would be the most comfortable one.

Well. For a moment.

His thoughts were cut short by a bullet rushing past his head so closely, he felt the wind.

"Turn left on the next corner", Seungmin's voice came through his in-ear piece.

Jisung's feet struggled taking the corner, he had almost run past. Gravel rolling underneath his soles, almost taking him of balance. He barely managed to catch himself and continue on his way, enjoying the small moment of piece as the bullets stopped.

"Next time tell me earlier", he panted, barely able to understand himself. He sounded like he was dying and despite his hatred for running, he regretted skipping all the time Changbin and Chan had invited him to work out with them.

"I wouldn't have to if you had run the second, I told you to, instead of trying to do it solo."

Jisung wanted to scoff. But didn't have the air to. Okay, yes, maybe he had gone against direct orders from Chan and what their group had agreed on. But if he had left when Seungmin had told him to, he wouldn't be carrying the bag right now that was tightly gripped in his right hand. Sure, he wouldn't be struggling with running and dodging literal bullets, but he would also be a hundred thousand dollars poorer. And so would the rest of Stray Kids.

And it wasn't his fault the plan hadn't gone well. In the end, instead of getting the money delivered to him safely, he had grabbed it from the man's van and just made a break for it.

Stupid? Yes.

Dangerous? Absolutely.

Did he regret it? Would be decided depending on whether a bullet would burry itself inside of him or not.

"Two rights, and Minho is waiting for you", Seungmin spoke again, voice tight.

Jisung grunted in response, already turning just when he heard the gunshots start again. They really wouldn't giving him a break.

Thankfully the black van came into view, scratching to a halt right when Jisung came running. The back door was thrown open and he jumped in. The door hadn't even been closed fully again when they took off.

Jisung got pushed back from the force of driving from where he had collapsed on the ground, but he couldn't care less. Finally; air.

"I'm dying", he managed. Wow, even to his ears he sounded like he really was.

Hands were on him immediately and he had half a mind to swat them away. "Not actually, idiot."

Minho scoffed, going back to grabbing the handle on the side of the van to steady himself. "With the number of bullets, they wasted on you, I wouldn't have been surprised."

Jisung lifted his head from where it was resting on the van's floor. "Right? I feel like they kind of overdid it."

The short show of concern was quickly forgotten as Minho turned to the bag Jisung had ungracefully thrown in his general direction when he had leaped into the van. Jisung heard him whistle as he looked through it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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