Growing Up...Again P.2

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Age Thirteen

So another spell was knocked down for young Vivian. Vivian can now create an orb of fire and hold it for an hour at a time, another thing that happened was she saw a dead ancestor she thought it had something to do with being a witch so going up to her Grams she spoke "Grams is it normal for witches to see dead people" She asked titling her head, while she could use her knowledge from the show there were a lot of dead people and she couldn't keep track of who could talk to the dead and how, first it was Jeremy and he had like died or something next was Matt and he also died then was Bonnie who was the anchor and technically all this happened because Bonnie was a witch.

Now she didn't know if Bonnie had a witchy power to do that or it was because they all had near death experiences but Vivian did not have any near death experience that she knows of for her to be able to be seeing dead people "No sweetheart why what happened" Sheila asks putting her tea down and focusing on her granddaughter "I've been seeing this one lady she looks like great great great great grandma Emily" She stated as her Grams pulled out her many grimoires and set them on the table. Sheila opened multiple books and flipped to certain pages showing different ladies who Vivian guessed were past Bennet ladies.

The six pictures shown each had a name, age the picture was taken and their life year on them

The six pictures shown each had a name, age the picture was taken and their life year on them

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Olivia Bennet Age;37 Born 1754 Died 1795

Olivia Bennet Age;37 Born 1754 Died 1795

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Born as a Bennett《SLOW UPDATES/PAUSED 》Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora