3 AM

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"It might sound weird, but would you want to go on a walk with me, Vivi?"Nami says on the phone. "Like right now?!" Vivi asked confusedly. "yeah, right now!" Nami says excitedly. "But it's 2:00 in the morning!" Vivi says.

"So? You know, just a little walk to help you fall asleep!" Nami suggests. Vivi is quiet for a bit before she responds. "Okay, I'll go," Vivi says.

"Great! Meet me at the park, I'll be there in five minutes." Nami says before saying bye and hanging up. Vivi sighed to herself and wondered how she was gonna get out of the house without getting caught she had to be careful because if her dad found out she would be in so much trouble.

Vivi quickly put on her shoes and grabbed a jacket before she tiptoed out of the house. Once she got outside the cold air hit her and it made her shiver a bit. She was never fond of the cold, I guess it was because she grew up in hot weather and had grown resilient to it. Vivi stands outside her house, looking up at the sky. It's a clear night, and the stars are out in full force. She hugs herself tightly and takes a deep breath before walking down the driveway. She makes her way to the sidewalk that leads to the park and starts walking.

When she gets to the park she doesn't see anyone so she just sat on a near bench and waited for Nami. After a few minutes of waiting, she felt something creep behind her and before she knew it, Nami jumps behind her grabbing her shoulders as she yells boo. Vivi jumps out of her seat and yelps in surprise. Nami Laughs at Vivi's reaction. "You should have seen your face!" Nami says before she sits next to Vivi on the bench. "Haha, very funny," Vivi says rolling her eyes playfully.

"Well anyway, I brought some snacks!" Nami says holding up a bag of snacks. There were some chips, candies, and soda.  "But before we eat, the last one to the swings will have to push the other!" Nami says before running to the swings, " Hey, no fair!"

Vivi grabs the snacks and walks over to Nami who was already sitting on the swing grinning like an idiot. "Looks like I win, now u have to push me!"

Vivi huffs before complying, dropping the bag and starting to push Nami on the swing. Vivi pushes Nami on the swings and Nami goes higher and higher. Nami starts to laugh as she swings back and forth. The wind is blowing through her hair and she feels so free. It's been a long time since she's felt this way.  "This is so fun!" Nami yells. Vivi giggles at how childish Nami was acting, even though she was pushing her she still had fun. Vivi's arms start to get tired so she stops and turns over to get a drink from the bag.


Vivi turns around quickly and sees Nami face first on the ground as the swing slowly stops swinging. "Nami!" Vivi yells before running towards her. "Are you ok!?" She asks worriedly. Nami just lies there for a few seconds before she starts shaking and soon after Vivi hears muffled laughter. Nami turns over to Vivi still laughing, her eyes forcibly shut Nami's head had a few scratches on it and it was red, her nose was also bleeding. "What happened?" Vivi asked confused about why the girl was laughing when she flew into the air and landed on her face. "I tried to jump off and ended up failing," Nami explained laughing a little, "It was stupid," she says getting up slowly touching her head, thus winching and shutting her eyes. "Yeah, it was," Vivi mumbled.

Nami's laughter slowly died down as she saw the upset look on Vivi's face, her eyes were filled with tears and the pain was starting to set in and she knew she was going to have a nasty bruise tomorrow. "Hey, don't look so worried," Nami said softly, "I'm fine, really." Vivi just stayed silent. "Hey are you, mad at me?" Nami asks. Vivi looks down at the ground, not really sure how to answer that question. She didn't want Nami to think she was mad but she was really upset. She sighs and looks at her, "No, I'm not mad. "Vivi finally responds, " I'm just worried about you, that's all."

She quickly stands up and dusts herself off, then helps Nami up and sits her down on the bench. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so immature. I'll make it up to you." Nami says, her eyes looking downcast. Vivi just nods, not trusting herself to say anything. "I'm going to get a first aid kit, I'll be right back. Don't move." Vivi says before walking away.

Soon after Vivi came back and Nami was still on the bench.  Vivi sat down and opened the first aid kit and started to look through it. She grabs a cotton ball and puts some alcohol on it and then puts it on Nami's head making Nami winch as the alcohol hits her open wound. "Sorry," Vivi whispered as she continues to clean the wound. Nami just nods, her eyes watering a little from the pain. Vivi finishes cleaning the wound and puts a band-aid on it. Right after she wipes the blood off her nose and it wasn't bleeding any more. "Alright, I'm done," Vivi says with a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, thank, you, thank you!" Nami says hugging her tightly, "You're the best!" Nami says as she pulls back and looks at Vivi with a smile. Vivi blushes a little and looks away. "You are such an idiot," Vivi says shaking her head in disbelief. Nami just laughed and hugged her again.

"I'll be right back!" Nami says as she walks to the swings and picks up the bag of snacks. She walks back to her seat and sits down. Vivi looks at her confusion and then looks at the bag she was holding. "I'll make it up to you just like I said I would." Nami pulled out two water bottles and handed one to Vivi before taking a long drink from her own. Vivi looked at her with gratitude before unscrewing the cap and chugging half the bottle.

"So what do you want to do now?" Vivi asked, her face slightly red from the cold. "I have no idea." Nami shrugs and then looks into the bag and an idea clicks in her head. A little risky but it could be fun. She reaches into the bag and pulls out a pack of pocky. "Have you ever heard of the pocky challenge?" Nami asks hesitantly as she looks at Vivi. "I don't think so, no. How do you play?" Okay, so the pocky challenge is pretty simple. You take a pocky stick and have to put one half in your mouth and the other half in someone else's mouth. The first person whose mouth comes off the Pocky first or the other player who gets to the middle first loses. Got it?" Nami explains. She didn't want to mention the part if neither of them moved off the pocky they would kiss. Vivi nods and Nami opens the pack and takes one out.

Nami holds the stick out in front of Vivi and Vivi takes it hesitantly.  "Before we start, we have to keep our eyes closed, no peeking ok?" Vivi looks at Nami for a second before nodding and putting the stick in her mouth. Nami does the same and they both look and closed their eyes at the same time. As they start biting Nami's heart races as she feels like she's getting closer to Vivi. After a few times of hearing the crunch, she bites down on the stick one more time and feels soft lips pressing against hers. She opens her eyes and Vivi does the same. They both look at each other lips still pressed together before Vivi pulls away.

"Who won?" Vivi whispers, her face beet red. "It's a tie." Nami returned, leaning closer to Vivi. " Can we do it again? Y'know without the pocky this time?" Vivi says in a lower voice.

"Are you asking to kiss me again?" Nami asks with a grin. "Maybe," Vivi says before pulling her closer, making their lips meet in a soft kiss. Vivi's lips were soft and warm, and Nami felt herself getting lost in the moment. They kissed for a long time until finally, they had to break apart for air. "Wow," Nami said breathlessly. "That was amazing."

"Yeah," Vivi agreed. They kissed again, longer this time, and soon they were both lost in the moment.

Eventually, they had to break apart once more, gasping for air. Vivi rested her forehead against Nami's chest and listened to her heartbeat. It was pounding like a drumbeat and she couldn't help but smile. This was what she wanted; this was perfect. "Nami," she whispered, her voice trembling.

"Hm?" Nami hummed in response, still stroking Vivi's hair.

"I love you."

Nami stilled for a beat before answering and giving her adoring gaze. "I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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