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Screaming and crying, rage and obedience. That's all that came out of the manor. Until everything changed. Doors knocked off of hinges. Windows smashed. Curses and charms flying left and right. The owners of the house were sentenced to life in prison. No one knows where though. The people who lived close by didn't know where they went, only that they were taken away in handcuffs. The owner's children however went on different paths. One was to go to a new family to make new memories. The other was to fly high to the heavens above. 

Life was never the same for the other sibling. She could barely feel emotion, and when she did it wasn't much. She loved her new dads dearly. They gave her the essentials, like food, water, a roof over her head, and a room of her very own. However, they treated her as if she were their own. Hugs, birthday presents and trips out with her adoptive brother. Love was the answer, they loved her, unlike her old parents. How she wished her other brother was there too.

Her life was basic until the letter arrived. It was the same for her brother. He got his the year before and spent most of the year away at the boarding school. She felt a bit happy she would be with her brother again that year but the rest was emptiness. She would be the outcast as always. Who would want to be friends with her? She barely spoke to anyone and most people picked on her at her old school for being emotionless. She decided it was best to go and have new experiences.

This school was different, however. Instead of learning how to do maths or solve scientific equations. She would learn how to cast charms and make potions and learn about magical creatures. It was Althea's School of Magick Arts.

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