Chapter 1 the train 🚂

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Let me introduce myself.....
I'm Jay qo (pronounced as qiio), pretty weird family name right. Yea even I think so. By the way I'm about to turn 16, and I live in a place called Drean which is in northern Suggestia. Yea right you never heard of it cause Drean is a pretty small town in the glorious Suggestia which is famous for its natural medicine and chemicals.
I live in a big farm and we are never short of anything. In our farm we have 12 big healthy cows,15 sheep's and 5 big healthy horses. We also have a pony.
See we are pretty rich, yet our father insists on making us follow a very strict routine. You see our old man is a very hardworking person. He says if we if we don't work hard for something we don't deserve to have it. Our family consists of 5 members, mother, father, brother, sister and me. Well I'm the youngest. My brother is 18 and his name is Kay qo. My sister is 17 and her name is Zay qo.
Behind our farm there is the great Mystic Forest of Suggestia, also known as the MYSTICAL WOODS. It is well know for it's rare beautiful plants. There are rare wild flowers, large trees, small bushes and also medicinal plants that are not found anywhere else.
But, now let's go to the disadvantageous part of the woods. This forest is MYSTERIOUS and DANGEROUS. Why Mysterious u ask??
It's cause there is a railway track, whose end was never found. But surprisingly the track starts at the Drean north station. And you know there is also a legend behind it!!.. Ofcourse ofcourse you won't be surprised, cause when there is any unsolved mysteries then there is always a legend behind it, most probably made by our own ancestors.
I personally never believed them. Yea u heard it right 'believed' them.
So let me first tell you the legend then I'll tell u my story
Now the legend says that "At the end of the track there is a city unlike which you have ever seen. And even if you ever see it it will be hard to believe.". .... Our mom used to tell us these stories when we were kids just to keep us away from the woods but mostly for our entertainment. Cause our farm is pretty far from the town so we didn't have much playmates. There is nothing much about what is in the city. But who cares right!?
Let me tell u my story then I'll let you decide!......

Like always I came back from school helped in the farm and at night went to study at my table near a window outlooking the brilliant night view and the entrance to the forest.
As I was doing my homework I heard something unusual. It was coming from the woods.
At first I ignored it,.. but it was getting disturbing.
I thought it was just an animal or any person so I just took a torch and left. ..
As I was getting closer to the woods I realised it wasn't an animal nor was it a person.
It was quite a weird noise. As I was following the sound, to my HORROR it took me in the route that leads towards the track.
You must be wondering why to my HORROR and not surprise.
I was surprised but I was more horrified cause who knows what lies in there, and apart from that no one ever dared to go NEAR the tracks.
I was deep within the woods. I got so scared that cold chills shivered down my spine.
I got so scared that a turn and ran towards my home.
I gave a run and didn't dare turn back.
The sound grew louder and louder and so did my heart beat....
I started running as fast as my legs could take me...
I've never run that fast in my life. And with that speed I could've won a marathon.
The fear, the adrinaline that gushed through my body that day I could never forget to this day.....
I ran into my house and locked all the doors and windows , and checked them twice, then again and then again and again.
Then from the front window I could see that there was a bright light,..
For a second I thought that the angel of death was coming to take my soul but thought vanished just as the light did....!
I didn't know what to feel,.., should I have been scared or shocked ...
I was just frozen in spot.......!!


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