The Experiments Part 1 (John's Adventures)

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To preface this journal to whom it may concern this is a chronicling of my adventures in life, what I choose and or can remember of them that is. This was the very first conversation that I can remember back in February of 3049.

"So where are we to sleep, Joseph?"

"Over there in the bunkers where the overseers said was the "safest place" within the colony John"

"How long is a shift?"

"Eighteen hours exactly. You will get a fifteen-minute break every three."

"How do they pay us, Joseph?"

"With as they put it "the essentials" or food and water."

"Wait, whatever happened to money?"

"Well, they said as we advanced scientifically they had to find a better way to pay people for their work."

"And they think that food is the way, Joseph? Do they not realize that food and water is only going to keep these people working because they need them to live and survive? Do they not even realize how sickly inhumane that is?"

"Well, where do you think you'll get food otherwise? John last I checked we're on Mars, not Earth."

I remember this conversation fondly because it was the very last conversation I had with another fellow human that didn't completely treat me like shit that is. I mean this journal I think is the only way I am still sane, to be honest. Just think John no problems they said, it will be fine they said, there will be no casualties they said. Well, we lost Jim last Saturday in an explosion down in the mineshaft, of course, we lost the mine as well but that is irrelevant to the current situation. We are now down thirteen people counting Jim which means that we are short staffed and I don't think this is a very safe setup, let alone a good one. But in its prime it held enough of a charge to explode planet earth for a second time even after the Koreans committed mass attacks on American citizens as of late at the beginning of everything there were no nuclear blasts and no underground cowering in fear and as the CEO stated we are just one of fourteen colonies up here on Mars. This would soon change as North Korea would soon decide to drop the biggest bomb yet which is known as Hugo George; on America. Now at this point, you are probably thinking that there is probable cause for the earth to have exploded. Well, in my opinion, there is no real reason for this and the human race barely survived the last movement to Mars. Which if you ask me is the worst place to choose to hide out from the impending deathly apocalypse? But you know the sensible ones are never the ones in charge of the decision-making. So the question then becomes whether or not the ones in charge even care because it doesn't even feel like it. And for the record, I was one of the many against the transition from Earth to Mars. So it wouldn't surprise me if everything went south and flipped upside down right onto its head. It doesn't help matters much that we are polluting an already thinned atmosphere. Which is making the risk of death from a lack of atmospheric protection extremely high. This is raising the overall tension of everything and changing how everything is working out. Which I have no problems with. I just like the old "antiquated" way of doing things and would do just about anything to get that old way of life back. This way of life is such a pain in the ass it kills me to see children growing up in these "futuristic" conditions. It sickens me that our next generation won't even know the joy of a plasma-run vehicle. I was ecstatic when I heard that we would be able to run a vehicle off of just plasma but I guess I was wrongly excited about the fact that we could "run a car without hurting the environment" which I knew better than to believe. So to be completely honest I am not surprised at what has happened. As of the three total advancements in science we as humans "will never get sick again". Now by this point, I was pretty much one hundred percent sure that all of these things were just a load of horse shit and I am pretty much convinced that the government is a bunch of lying, greedy thieves. Now you might ask me how I can live through the fact that I am on Mars; well the thing here is that we are required to wear a three-ton suit at all times, we aren't even allowed to sleep without them. The very next conversation that comes to mind is the one that I had with our newest recruit and it went as follows.

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