Some Information

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Minecraft (I run a world that is essentially a smp server with lore and war and so. Mostly DragonSpire(my nation) Wraithsground (friends) and others are nations in it.)

Dnd(1)  (I am in a Game of Dnd with some college friends of mine. So alot of funny moments come out of it. Especially with the dumbass duo :) )

Dnd(2)  (I run a Dnd Dsmp world campaign. Would love to run it is any one would like it but eh. But alot of funny shit has come out of it.....mostly techno bullying one of the gods in that world....ethan why)

Besides all that. I hang out with a bunch of dumbasses and we love to say weird ass shit together. Some times from vcs or from games we play as a server.

If you have questions, ill reply to any comment.  :D

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