Delfari's Tale

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This is a poem I made up at school  by getting loads of monster's body parts , and just sticking them together . Then my class was told to write a poem describing our monsters .

And Delfari's tale was born .

Thanks to Lovegood for my amazing cover , that monster creeps me out , but still , it's awesome : )


Delfari's tale

Delfari had old ,skeletal wings,

Arms like tree trunks strong ,

Delfari had horns like spears,

Hands like rough,dry stone.

Delfari had a cloak of shadow ,

Glowing eyes like blood ,

Delfari was from the sky ,

And laughed like the wind howling .

Delfari had a serpent tongue ,

Which ate away the rocks ,

Delfari flew through the night,

As fast as a speeding kite.

Delfari would crouch on roofs,

Claws like razor – sharp knives ,

Delfari would attack a stranger,

And pull the throat of his innocent prey.

Delfari has lived on Earth for hundreds of years ,

And had the strength of a bull ,

Delfari was as old as life,

Delfari would leave and return like a true friend.

One early eve,

Delfari flew , a twirl ,

With the grace of a swan ,

Delfari danced ,

Delfari snarled like a savage beast ,

Clawing at the slates of the roof,

Delfari fell to the ground,

A crater he designed .

He ran through the night ,

turning his back on the village .

He disappeared into the moonlight ,

never to be seen again .

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