Kiss the Girl (Nouis AU One Shot)

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Pairing: Nous (NiallxLouis

Rating: ehhh, PG-13, most likely.

Warnings: Since our Irishman is mute, there will only be some cussing, because, well, you know our Lou Bear, AU Highschool!fic, Super duper “puking kittens and rainbows” fluffy, both are the same age, I’m gonna say around 16, 17. Your choice, really.

Summary: Niall is mute and can’t speak, and Louis somehow falls irrevocably in love with him.

A/N: I completely disregarded the schooling system in the UK, because fuck that shit. This is in no way, shape or form, brit-picked or beta’d, because I’m a lazy ass, okay? I am a sucker for Disney songs, and I read Mute for the very first time a while ago, and then listened to this song, and lightbulb, said “This would make a great songfic! So, without further ado, here is the shittiest Nouis oneshot you’ll ever see in your life. Enjoy.

There you see her

Sitting there across the way

She don’t got a lot to say

But there’s something about her

And you don’t know why

But you‘re dying to try

You wanna

Kiss the girl

Louis walked into class, shooting the teacher a pathetic “hello”, and sat down at the back of the class. he sat there semi-patiently, waiting for class to start. Everyone took their seats, leaving the one next to him wide open, as per usual. Just as the teacher was about to begin, there was a timid knock on the door. Just outside, was a little blond kid, holding a note for the teacher. She quickly read it before smiling, and turned around to face her students.

“Class, this is Niall. He just moved here from Ireland, and is our new student. Would you like to introduce yourself dear?” she asked. He smiled, and caused butterflies to soar in Louis stomach (even if he denied it at the time), and shook his head.

“All right dear, why don’t you have a seat next to Louis at the back?” he nodded, and walked over to him with a big grin on his face.

“Hi, I’m Louis. Welcome to Hall Cross School.” he said, more confident than usual. Niall waved, and sat down.

“You don’t seem to talk much. That’s okay! I kinda like you!” He flushed at those words, and grinned again, pulling out a piece of paper. He scribbled a few words down, and passed it over to his partner.

I’m mute.

“Oh! That explains it. Well, after class, I’ll show you around. Does that sound good?”

That sounds awesome, Louis.

Yes, you want her

Look at her, you know you do

Possible she wants you too,

There is one way to ask her

It don’t take a word

Not a single word

Go on and

Kiss the Girl (Nouis AU One Shot)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant