The Life Of An Element

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All four girls stretched and yawned a a bright Sunday morning. Today was the girls 13th birthday! Aidan, eldest of the four, got out of her flaming loft bed. She ate a hot hard boiled egg that was at least 90 degrees or up. Next up was Aqua. She hopped right out of her water bed, or as you know it as... a pool. She grabbed a glass of water and fish for breakfast because, who wouldn't. Then Afra got up out of her, well, nest I guess. She ate only the finest fruits and vegetables from her garden. Finally Aira hopped down from a cloud with the biggest smile flashed on her face. She ate marshmallows and fluff, the softest foods. Mother Nature got up with a straight and upset face.
"You girls know what else today is right?" She questioned.
"Yeah yeah it's Humane School day." Aidan mumbled and groaned.
"Mother, I don't wanna go." Aira sighed.
"Well your gonna have to. And your also going to need to look more human." She said glaring at the girls.
Aidan had fire hair and fingers which would probably scare kids for life.
Aqua had blue skin colder then -101 degrees.
Afra had grass hair and dirty skin which may be unusual.
Aira, well she was pretty normal except for her angel wings.
"Make overs will start, now."

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