The Beginning

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It was a grim afternoon. The trees were enthralling as they frolic from one direction to the other, unable to defy the laws of the wind. My gaze, however, was glued upon the shadows of the clouds convening above. They somehow reminded me of the thoughts I have been unable to dispose of ever since my heart was left deserted. 

Soon enough, it started pouring. The windows became stained with droplets and my eyes became drawn to the claws of lightning striking from oblivion. I was unable to tear away my gaze. At that moment, I felt like I could catch the branches of glow within my grip; and my imagination took off as I envisioned the glory of being the first person to be able to do so. 

"Boisterous thoughts, John?" 

A melancholic voice interrupted my reverie and yet again he was in my embrace and I was drowning in his divine eyes whilst his sweet little lips muttered threads of deceit. Once again, I was young and dumb, clutching a dead man’s body in place of my broken heart. I lamented the loss of my lover with an unknown corpse and I wasn’t only dirtied by blood and soil, I was dirtied by the vile secret of mine that the warm tears streaming down my cheeks amidst chaos weren’t shed for my dear comrade. 

It was shed for him

Farewell to John (JohnLock) [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora