Isabelle Lightwood

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"See Dray? Isn't this fun?" I asked as we walked along the streets of Los Angeles.

"Yeahhh. It's great." He responded, keeping his eyes locked on the smooth pavement below our feet. I felt horrible for him. He found out a week ago that he didn't have enough happy memories to produce a patronus. So, me being his best friend, I decided to make good memories with him, so he could make one.

But... so far my plan wasn't working out. He was so damaged by his dad that it seemed impossible to make him truly happy. But a couple times I was able to make him really happy today. So that was a start.

But then something caught my eye. "Dray, did you see that?" I asked, suddenly standing very still.

"See what?" He asked, looking me in the eyes with his piercing ice blue eyes. He seemed concerned because I never acted afraid around people.

"There are people..." I whispered but trailed off.

"Yes? There are people? What's wrong Scarlett? Your scaring me." Draco said shaking me slightly, lifting my face so I would look him in the eyes.

"There are people following us." I said quickly, averting my eyes from his and glancing again at the girl. She had long black hair, porcelain skin with light freckles on her nose and cheeks, and stunningly blue eyes. She wore a white mini dress, with thin straps and the brightest red heels I have ever seen.

"Where are they?" He asked, looking around us.

"She's over there." I pointed across the street where cars sped by us, but we could still see the other side clearly.

"I... don't see anyone. Scarlett, are you sure there is a girl following us?" Draco asked, visibly now not believing me.

"Dray! I know what I am talking about!" I shouted at him, upset that he wasn't believing me.

"Scarlett, I know you get paranoid sometimes, and you start imagining things." He said crossing his arms. "Let's just go home. You obviously aren't feeling very well." He rolled his eyes, and reached for my arm. But I backed away, pulling my arm out of his reach.

"No! I'm not going back with you! I feel good, and I am not imagining things!" I cried, tears starting to run down my cheeks. The one person I cared about and trusted didn't trust me and my sanity.

He reached to me again, but I once again I pulled away. But this time I ran away from him. I ran far away from him, passing block after block. I pushed past groups of people, not caring that they were glaring at me, or saying some not very kind things that I would not slide if I wasn't in a hurry.

I finally stopped running I front of a little coffee shop, that had a very modern interior. Marble countertops, stainless steel chairs and barstools, and LOTS of plants.

I entered, and slid into a spotless bar stool near a large window. I rested my head on my slim arms, keeping my head down looking at the ground. It seemed like an hour had passed, but it was probably only 10 minutes.

"Hello Scarlett." A very feminine voice said to me. She sounded like she was right by my table.

I lifted my head and was mildly surprised to see the girl that was following me. At this point, I didn't really care at this point if she kidnapped me or murdered me. At least I would be far away from Draco.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, puzzled. I had never seen this girl in my life, but yet she knew my name.

"May I sit down?" She asked, but she didn't wait for my response. She slid down into the seat across the table from me. She looked very young, like she was my age.

"How do you know my name?" I repeated, wanting my answer. She sat there with her arms crossed, looking at me across the table before she rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Man Scarlett, you are my type of girl. I saw you yelling at your boyfriend. Your not afraid of putting boys in there spot. I-" She said, but I interrupted her.

"Draco is NOT my boyfriend." I corrected, my face turning slightly red. "We are best friends... Or we were."

"Whatever." She said flicking a strand of hair out of her beautiful face. "Anyways, I know your name Scarlett because I have been searching for you. Well, we have been searching for you."

"Searching for me?" I asked, completely confused. " What are you the police?"

"Of course not. I am a Shadowhunter. And so are you. We belong to the Shadow World. The Shadow World is a world hidden from this one, but it has Demons, Angels, Faeries, Warlocks, Werewolves, and Vampires in it. We as Shadow hunters protect the Shadow World from demons so it doesn't get over run with them. So basically, we are the protectors. We kill all demons, and only kill rouge Faeries, Warlocks, Werewolves, and Vampires." She said, not paying attention that I was getting more overwhelmed with every sentence she said.
"Oh. Um, that was a lot to take in all at once, wasn't it?"

I didn't speak. I don't think that I was able to. So I just nodded. "What's your name?" I managed to say.

"Oh! My name is Isabelle. Isabelle Lightwood." Isabelle said, but then she paused. "  I almost forgot. Hodge said when we find you, to bring you to the institute immediately."

"What if I don't want to go with you?" I commented, leaning back on my chair.

"Then I guess I would have to make you come with me. You are very important to the Shadow World, Scarlett. No Shadowhunter has ever been missing for 17 years." She shrugged.

"So your saying you would kidnap me?" I said, quite shocked that she was saying it so bluntly.

"If you want to look at it like that, then yes." Isabelle smiled a sweet but dangerous smile.

"It's not like I have anywhere to go. Dray could be at my house right now, waiting for me. And I don't want to deal with him right now. You also seem trustable, and something in my mind some what remembers what you told me about me and the Shadow World, sooooooo I'll go with you." I finally decided, standing from the table.

"Good decision." She said, and pulled something out from somewhere in her dress. It was a tiny vial of what looked like light blue liquid, and held it to the light. "This... is a tiny piece of portal, and it will take us to any place I imagine." She then took the stopper off, and poured the contents on the floor. She took my hand, and pulled me to the edge of what used to be a shapeless puddle but now it was a large light blue circle on the floor. It glowed, and she instructed me to hang on tight. Then we stepped into the portal. It felt as if I was being doused in a bucket of ice water, and I tried to scream but I couldn't...

Thank you so much for reading this, and I want to say that it may be a cringe right now, but I promise it gets better!!! Make sure to leave a comment, and give me any feedback or ideas I could add to my story to make it better!

I love you all! ❤️❤️

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