1: the concert

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Hi everyone welcome to the first chapter
Hope you like it 💙

Devins pov:

I was so excited for today, and you may ask why and to that I will say,me and my best friend get to see palaye royale and I'm beyond excited.

I have my outfit chosen already:

-a black crop top
-black shorts with some chains on them
-a lock necklace
-and my sneakers

I got dressed and texted my best friend haven.

                             Ma chérie 💙💅

                                           dev:Morning babes

Haven: morning, I'm so excited for the concert devin,you don't even know

                                            Dev: I am to let me                   see ur outfit

Haven:kk one second

🟥new snap from Ma chérie

I opend it and they were wearing

-black jeans
- a palaye royale t shirt
-and some black boots

                                          Dev:you look good

Haven:thank you

                                         Dev:ok I'ma leave,I'll be at ur house in like 5 minutes, be outside

Haven:ok yah I'll be down

*I pulled up and haven was outside*

Devin: come on bitch let's gooooo

*Haven gets in and the whole way there we listen to palaye royale*

Devin:were here.

*I park and we get in line*

Devin:I'm so happy we have VIP but I'm also so nervous to see them

Haven: same I don't know what I'ma say

Devin: just be chill

Haven: I'll try but no promises

*VIP is us and 10 other people*

We go to a room and the manager tells us to sit wherever and we sit in the front

*Me and haven are talking when all the sudden they start walking in*

Devin: babes look behind you

*They look and almost scream*

Haven:how exactly am I going to keep my cool

Devin:just shhh

*After them talking to all of us for about 25 minutes everyone starts talking pictures, me and haven walk up and they look us up and down a few times*

Emerson:ur haven right ?

Haven:uh yah

Emerson: here *writes something on a peice of paper and slips it to them* come back stage after

Haven: oh uh ok yah sure

I was looking and was about to walk over to them when someone tapped my shoulder

Remington: hey uh devin do you wanna maybe come back stage after you're really cool

Devin:of course I will

Remington:good you won't regret it

I walk over to haven

Devin: Remington just invited me back stage ahhh

Haven: same with Emerson, is this a dream because if so I never wanna wake up

Devin: me neither

*We go to the front row and watch the concert and Remington keeps looking at me and Emerson keeps sneaking looks at haven*

Devin: looks like they like looking at us

Haven: yah and I'm loving this

*After the concert everyone leaves and me and haven Walk back stage*

Security guy: you cant be back here

Remington: chill out Ryan, these are our friends don't be so mean

*The security dude walks away and Remington leads us to a room and Emerson and Sebastian are chilling on the couch*

Remington:and this is the lounge, haven you can sit. Wherever but devin I want you to sit with me

Emerson:they can sit with me

We sit down and they ask us questions

Sebastian:soo how old are you guys



Remington: that's nice, I thought you were older like 24 or something,but 19 is good

Devin:yah I get that a lot

Remington:so where are you guys from

Haven: Pennsylvania, it's a shit place

Devin: the place isn't but the people that live there are horrible

Emerson: but you guys are cool that's all that matters

We smile and talk to them for a little

Devin:I'm so cold

Remington:here *he hands me his hoodie*

Devin: you don't have-

He cuts me off

Remington: I want to

*I put it on*

Remington:see you look better in it then I do

Haven is laying on Emersons chest and says

Haven:you do look good in it dev

Devin: thank you

Remington:it's getting late but here *he puts his number in my phone* text me

Emerson puts his number in havens phone

Emerson: there now I can annoy you all day

Haven: your acting like that's a bad thing

*I hug Remington and he won't let go*

Remington: mmm now I don't want you to leave

Devin:aww but I'll see you tomorrow

Remington: ok but still

Sebastian gets him off

Sebastian: let go lover boy

Haven hugs emerson and he kisses there cheek

Emerson: till we meet again Ma chérie

Haven:that's adorable but I'll see you tomorrow

Emerson:I know but still


the concert- palaye royale Where stories live. Discover now