Chapter One

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Backstory: You and Francis have been close friends since you were children You would do anything for him and he for you. You are also one of Mary's ladies and have been back at court for several months. And like all the young unmarried men and women at court you are drowning in decisions that have to be made and soon.

Setting: You are sitting on a blanket in the grass, reading a book and enjoying the warm sun. Until you feel a swift, cold breeze pass you.

You: Francis?

You get up to follow him. He's clearly upset.

You: Francis?....Francis?

He stops at the edge of the lake.

Francis: Why is this so difficult? Why can't my father see that an alliance with Scotland could destroy France. Not could...will. He'll do anything to get his hands on that stupid English throne.

You listen intently as he rages on.

You: I'm sorry Francis.

Francis: It's not your fault.

You: I wish I could help.

The second you finish that sentence his head comes up and the wheels start spinning.

Francis: Maybe there is?

You: How?

Francis: Your family is the richest family in Scotland. Their wealth could help France a great deal.

You: A financial agreement?

Francis: A betrothal. You're hand for their support.

You: To who?

Francis: Me.

You: You?

Francis: By getting married we can help France and Scotland survive. You wouldn't have to marry a complete stranger and I can be free of Mary.

You: Francis this isn't a game like the ones we played as children. This is marriage.

Francis: I know. It's a huge risk.

You: And life changing

Francis: I'm not saying it's going to be easy and that everyday is going to be perfect, but if it means a better life our countries and ourselves. I think it's worth risking.

You get quiet for a second.

You: Promise to wear your purple jacket?

Francis: So you'll marry me?

You: Yes.


Francis: The pope will be here tomorrow afternoon to perform my sister's wedding. I'll take Bash with me and meet him on the road to make the arrangements. I'll tell my mother we're going riding. I'll send Bash to find you when we return.

You: Alright.

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