A Thought, Maybe A Situation. Or Hallucination?

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At this point I really don’t know what is happening. Everything is going so right yet everything is going downhill. I’m confused if it’s my reality or just a thought which will pass as time goes by.

However, I’m confused here. I knew from the start I was broken but I don’t know how much. Little more than a year ago I had thoughts of ending my life because I was so depressed and I didn’t even realized where my mind was until that day, the day I realized maybe I will never be enough for my friends, my family, my parents.

The same day I heard him and felt him yet I couldn’t see him. I didn’t know who he was but I was confused again about why he was here? Calming me down when I was having biggest breakdown I’ve ever had till then.

He called me ‘My Love’ and those two words worked like magic on me. My chest was aching from the thousands of thoughts I was having and all those painful memories flashing through my mind.

Those two words from him and all the pain stopped. He came like a ray of sunshine after the darkest night, warming my heart, and when I thought he will leave just like everyone else did, he proved me wrong and stayed.

The question is why am I confused? Is he real? Or am I hallucinating?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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