Don't Say No

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Inspired on We're Not In Love - Franky Wah (feat. LOWES).


There was so much dancing beneath her skin throughout all these years. An adventure of a multiverse played by two shared souls in the painting. A whole picture of true love in its layers and compositions.

Her love life with him was always about one canvas, portraying the layers and colors of the exact same feeling she had been carrying all life long, as she remembers.

By now, they're had more time together than apart from each other. It was years running through time as time ran through their both, but even like that, they were still young physically and in soul.

Sylvie and Loki were just walking across the bridge over a lake, breathing Berlin's air in their lungs. Time didn't really matter anymore. They had so much of it; it became almost nonexistent by now.

- What is running through your mind right now? – He asks, stopping to stare at her. Even after years, his eyes of admiration never left his features every time he looked at her. Did she look at him the same way?

- Sincerely? – She smiles slightly. – I don't know.

He returns her smile, but his was far kinder than she could ever feel. Maybe, even with Loki, she could never get rid of the sensation of pain that burned her chest, and so, a thought rose in her head.

- I don't think it's true. – He responds.

- Why?

- You always frown when you're thinking. – He glances at her with the purest expression. He seemed easy, like a Sunday morning. His eyes reflected a shape of greenish-blue as the lights of lamps around the park focused on him. He looked pretty, though.

- Do I? – She asks, in return. How many features of her he already knew? – Perceptive of you.

He gives her the best he can, and he doesn't look preoccupied as she is. He looks happy, calm and everything is just beautiful, she never had any problem with how things worked between them. She even loved that.


Only then she realized she was really frowning again, this time, with her eyes distant from his.

- Does something bother you?

Does it?

She reconsiders. It's late, anyway. She's probably just tired of being around, although inside something tells her it's something else.

And he's still waiting for a response.

- Do you remember when we went to that little village in Beijing?

- How could I forget? – He remembers. – We just got married by those years and you were extraordinarily impressed by the stars.

She nodded, feeling ridiculous at the thought of getting distracted with so little. She was unused to having those kinds of moments of appreciation. Yet, they had built so much together along the years. She also knew, at that time, her mind was somewhere else but only the stars. Her mind used to be always on him.

She looked up at the stars now. They no longer seem to shine as they did before. He kept looking at her, instead.

– They don't shine as brightfully in the city. - She observed, and then her eyes flowed to the lamps glowing with yellow lights. It was none of a celebrative day at all. They were just walking around, as if they were still teenagers getting to know each other better, but she already knows so much of him. Anyway, that made it feel easier for her. – Since we settled down, everything has been so quiet for me. In my mind.

Sylki One-Shots and Poetries (English)Where stories live. Discover now