That weird feeling

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It was another one of those days in Malibu California at the Roberts dreamhouse and Malibu and Brooklyn were just chilling on the couch like they always do after a long day, Malibu was on the phone with ken while Brooklyn was over there love and was totally jealous but in a good way.

"Yeah we made it back a couple hours ago but we have just been chilling," Malibu  said to Ken. "Oh my god Malibu look at this cute picture of etta!" Brooklyn exclaimed Malibu glanced over at the photo, "aww she's so cute... did you just post that?" Asked Malibu

"yeah I have been seeing these cute photos of cat recently and oh hold up rafa just po...sted"
Brooklyn seem to have paused upon seeing the photo, it just so happen to be that rafa posted a photo of his after workout, in the photo rafa wasn't wearing a shirt and for the first time Brooklyn got this fuzzy feeling... she knew she could have been developing a crush on him... but rafa was her best friend and she wouldn't want to ruin there friendship even if he was a crush...

"everything good Brooklyn... Brooklyn, um barbie, Barbra?" Malibu said in response Brooklyn quick snapped out of her thoughts "fine I'm fine everything's good" she said awkwardly
Malibu new something was up and grabbed Brooklyn's phone, "w-wait don't look!" Brooklyn said nervously but it was to late Malibu had already looked at her phone...and there was  silence
"Hey Ken let me call you back ok" Malibu said "ok I see you after work bye" ken replied "bye" Malibu said in return and hung up the phone
"Brooklyn do you maybe li-" just then Brooklyn cut her off "look I was caught off guard with that photo" she said while chasing Malibu around the house to try and grab her phone she chased Malibu to the kitchen where Margaret was preparing dinner.

"Oh its nice to see you to" Margaret said to the girls who were playing around the kitchen island Margaret shrugged her shoulders and Malibu continue to tease Brooklyn with her phone and as they were leaving the kitchen Malibu finally said "hi mom,"
"oh now your not ignoring me" Margaret replied but the girls already left the kitchen "back to ignoring me" she said as she giggled.

As Malibu was running she had tripped over her own foot and feel face first to ground, the next thing that was heard was laughter from Brooklyn "that's what you get, now give me my phone Roberts" she said "NEVER!!!" Replied Malibu playfully just then she placed the phone under her chest " oh you wanna play that game " Brooklyn started " ok I'll play that game " Brooklyn said  just then Brooklyn started to tickle her. Malibu was very ticklish so she started laughing It only took a matter of 30 seconds until Malibu gave in and said " ok-ok you win " an gave Brooklyn her phone then they just begin to laugh  and as they were laughing George came in the living room where the girls were, " what did you girls do? ! " He said while making his way to the couch "nothing just playing around" Malibu said in return "Alright" was George response  as he pulled out his wood carving knife and begun to finish his duck he started earlier 

Brooklyn placed her hand out for Malibu to grab, witch she did and Brooklyn helped her friend up from the floor Malibu then brushed the dirt off her skirt and the dynamic duo started to make there way upstairs once they made it to Malibu's room Brooklyn plopped herself onto Malibu's bed and sighed " So how about some music?!" Malibu cheerfully said  " sure why not" Brooklyn said as she sat up and shrugged her shoulders while  Malibu grabbed her Bluetooth speaker and begun to play the song 'DEATH by Melanie Martinez'  "really, girl.. you played this album 2 times today, whats wrong with some emeim?" Brooklyn asked "because im a crybaby, uh earthling... what ever her new fanbase is called im apart of it and has been a fan since 2014 baby " Malibu said as if she were in a debate team "ugh ok fine" Brooklyn scofted
Then she switched on her iphone 14 pro (them gigs rlly payed off lol) and begin to watch Tik Toks

A couple minutes went by, and a couple apps were switched and soon Brooklyn got a quick jump scare when Malibu placed her hand on her Brooklyn's shoulder playfully while singing 🎵PlEaSe DoNt EvEr WoRry I kNoW iTs MoRbId BuT wE aLl DiE oNe DaY🎵Malibu sung being funny like a best friend would 

All Brooklyn could do was laugh and push Malibu asides and for the next 51 minutes portal was going to be played but honestly she didn't care it was much better than what granny vi would play she thought to herself, and personally she liked melanie's music and respected her more because she was from new York well queens but the point is still there just then the door rang and a small vocie yelled from the bottom of the staircase "OH BARBRA YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE" yelled  chelsea Malibu's younger sister

Ok this is my first story its not done but i hope you guys like it let me know if i should finish  (i also plan on making a visual version too and i will start a channel that will center around barbie lol if your interested ) thx for reading more to come love miya's way

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