- chapter one: butterflies -

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   Fall has sprouted from the air, and winter break would come in a couple of weeks, and oh! Here's our two friends! Looka and Sam!

"Yo dude." Said Sam in a bit of a tired tone, "yea what's up?"

"So y'know that we're both in history class for the first period right?"

"Yea?" "So when I was getting  something from my locker, I heard that we're having a new student today!"

"Wait really?"

"Yea! I mean the school could've easily changed them to a different class, but a new student would be pretty cool!"

"Alr! So do you know that kid's name?"

"Uh no, Mr. Theodor didn't really say their name, so I think it's a mystery."

"Alr, well we should probably get to class right about now." As Sam and Looka had walked past the other classes in the hallways, they had finally reached their homeroom and had sat down while the teacher had written something on the board

"alright class! Thank you for settling in, so for your guys info, we are having a new student here today! So please everyone, welcome your new friend, or enemy, Elanabeth Weebie Am I!" Said the teacher,

"uh hey there, my names, well the teacher pretty much just said my name, but the names Elanabeth, or you could just call me E.B. for short." As E.B. while playing a bit with her reddish brownish hair while slightly blushing like a pink rose,

"Alrighty then everyone! Since E.B. is your new friend, I would like you guys to try to get to know her a bit, y'know, help her out a bit, get her comfortable, and just try to be friendly towards her."

      E.B. had sat next to Looka, with him blushing a bit,

"alright class, get out your notebooks and copy down what's on the board, also Looka bud, could you by any chance help out E.B. with her work? If that isn't a problem for you?" Said Mr. Theodor while looking at Looka, who was already a bit of a nervous mess, "uhh y-yea! Of course!" Said Looka while almost dropping his notebook

"alright, good! Also if it isn't too much to ask, could you also help out E.B. with her locker? If that isn't a problem-"

"oh no sir- uhm I mean Mr.Theodor, uhm I don't really need help! The assistant principal helped me out with my locker! And I think I'm a master at it!" Said E.B. while giving the teacher a look hoping that he would change his mind

"hmm, alright well if u say so, then I think I'll leave Lucas here alone for a bit." Teasingly said Mr.T while slightly grinning at Looka

"OOO LOOKA YOU GOT A CRUSH ON THE NEW GIRL!!!!!" Screamed one of the boys that sat in front of Looka,

"Alr Franklin, it isn't really any of your business if Looka and E.B. here are dating, even if they do it's not any of your business on if they're gonna invite you to their wedding."

Said Mr.Theo while looking at Franklin who didn't even know what to say while the other students were giggling and snickering

"ok ok- back to what we were doing in class."

"Oh y-yeah right so uhm- also by the way my name is Looka in case you forgot by any chance, but I think you remember it-"

"you we're gonna help me out?" Said E.B. while laughing a bit at Looka with him being a bit of a mess

"alright so every day when we enter Mr.Theodore class, you usually gotta write down what's on the notebook and just write whatever is on the board, so for example, write a good example of something that happened in history, and then when your all done with that you just either just finish any missing work from him or you just read a book until he begins the lesson that we're doing, so yea, any questions?"

"Uh no I think I'll be all good for now but thank you Looka!"

'' Oh, you're welcome!" said Looka while smiling and blushing a bit at E.B.

   The bell had rung as it was time for P.E. class, with E.B. struggling to open up her locker and Looka coming from behind her

"uhh you ok?" Said Looka while startling E.B.

"shit-Looka! Where did you even come from?"

"Oh yea my locker is next to yours, and wait, didn't you say that you mastered opening up lockers?" Said Looka while teasing E.B.

"Well uhm, you see that- may have been a lie, but only because I didn't wanna stress you out!"

"Dude it's fine, I literally come late to P.E. almost all the time, so it isn't that big of a deal tbh, but here just lemme demonstrate." Said Looka while helping E.B. open up her locker and demonstrating her on how to do so

"alright so there ya go!"

"Oh my god, Thank you! Literally no one even knew how to open it! And honestly how can I ever repay you???"

"Eh you don't need to, but I gotta go now, it's 10 min before the bell rings so I should probably be going now, but it was nice talking with you!"

"You too! I'll see you then I guess"

"you will! See ya!"

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