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"Why do you want cuddles from me though?"

Because. You always made me feel safe. Like nothing could ever hurt me. I knew that you would always be there. You made me feel like nothing could ever hurt me again. I was aware that it wasn't the case, but it still felt like it. Every time you tucked my hair behind my ear. Every time you ran your hand up and down my sides. Every time you reminded me you would always be there, whether we were together or not. Every time you pulled me closer to you. Every time you ran your fingers through my hair. Every time you thought I was sleeping and told me you loved me even though you knew I wouldn't respond at all. Don't you see? Every moment we shared made me feel special. But I can't say that so I'll just backspace everything.

"Because you made me feel safe. Like nothing could hurt me because I knew you were there."

"I'm sorry I can't make you feel that way anymore"

You still do. But you love her now so I need to not say that.

"You still do... But you're with someone else now so it doesn't matter. It's fine."

I shouldn't have said that...

"Nevermind. Forget I said anything."

He's with her now so it doesn't matter anyway. But I still miss him...

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