"Why would you save me?"

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      Nahida... Takes the gnosis and walks away, leaving Scaramouche to fall to his fate.

     Out of nowhere a random woman appeared, catching Scaramouche and running off with him. Once they were far enough away from the fight scene she carefully sat him down, starting to address his wounds.

     "Who are you?... And why did you save me back there?... I'm not worth saving, nobody is." The purple haired male said, looking up at the girl.  "My names Y/N it's a pleasure to meet you, I may not know you, but I couldn't help, but save you it was a instinct of mine." She said with a small smile on her face. "Even if you did something horrible we all still deserve to be saved." "Nobody is worried being saved, but.. For some reason I can't help to feel... Happy and safe.. Stop! Whatever your doing I don't like it! I told myself I'd never feel human emotion ever again!!" Scaramouche yelled, getting angry.

    Y/N only laughed. "It's okay to feel human emotion, hey what's your name by the way?" "Scaramouche..." "Well Scaramouche, wanna go out and get lunch with me?" Scaramouche didn't know what to say. "No, I don't wanna get attached to you." Y/N sighed and got up. "Too bad. Let's go!" She said smiling, holding her hand out. Something in Scaramouche heart told him to go. He weakly got up, following Y/N out to lunch. While they were eating lunch Y/N spoke up and asked. "What's your goal in life?" "My goal?... I wanna become a god, but I failed I'm not worthy enough to be a god." "Oh... Hey! I think if you retry you'll definitely become a god!" Y/N said with a bright smile. Scaramouche heart skipped a beat. "What about yours Y/N?" "Oh! Mine? Well.. I wanna find the son of a bitch who murdered my family and do the same thing to him as he did to my family." Y/N said so calmly.

   Scaramouche just smiled down at the lady. He realized he was smiling and put his hand over his mouth. He hated it he was disgusted. "Hey! Why don't we go to Yaoguang Shoal and take a swim!" "Won't their be hillichurls though?" "Who cares! I can deal with them!" Y/N replied, getting put of her seat and paying for their food.

    They soon made it to the beach. Y/N took off her shirt. She was now only in shorts and her bra. "Come on silly!" She laughed and jumped into the water. Scaramouche followed her in after taking off his shirt. Y/N went underwater and didn't come back up. Scaramouche started to panic he didn't know what to do. "Y/N?!" He called out in panic. Wait why was he panicking? She'll just abandon him soon after she finds out he's a villain... Right? Soon later Y/N came back up, but she was right in front of Scaramouche. "BOO!" She yelled, laughing. Scaramouche backed up, falling into the water. Once he got back up he huffed, picking Y/N up and throwing her into the water. Y/N came back up laughing her ass off. Scaramouche started to laugh as well, he smiled and at that point he gave in to his emotions.

   Hours have gone by and they were now fully clothed, looking up at the starry night sky. "Hey! You're really fun to hangout with! We should do this some more!" Y/N smiled while she suggested the idea. "Yes!! Of course! I mean sure. Why not." Scaramouche said back to her. He was so happy.. She didn't abandon him, but a deep part of him still thought she would sooner or later.

Scaramouche x fem! Y/N "We went together.. my love.."Where stories live. Discover now