4 Nov 7:36pm

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UGH!I CANNOT BELIVE THIS! Mum just went in my room and told me that we are going to move to the UK in 3 DAYS!? WHAT!!!!! There is NO way I am moving to that posh-ass place! They literally call dollars POUNDS. WHAT!? I'm am going to pack now, I don't have much of a choice. >:(
OMG, I have the BEST IDEA EVER! If I show my mum  ALL the bad things in bRiTaN, then we won't go!! :D Now let's search...
Just found it! My annoying bro, Kai, STOLE my phone AGAIN and tried calling my bffs! D: Ugh! Let's search now...
I found a good one! 12 people at bEeStOn got murdered! (RIP those people tho) Let's go tell my mum!
I just told my mum and she just said "Don't worry honey, we will be safe there, plus, It's got a good police force!" I bet she got the good police force from Facebook 🙄.

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